Eufy RoboVac 11 or Eufy RoboVac 11+

Which Cleaner Would You Like More? Eufy RoboVac 11 vs Eufy RoboVac 11+

Are you still penetrating for the best and the affordable vacuum cleaner? Both Eufy RoboVac 11 vs Eufy RoboVac 11+ are good-looking, quiet, and simple. But here we widely studied and analyzed both robotic vacuum cleaners so that you can make the right verdict on which one is better for you?

Comparison Table: Eufy RoboVac 11 & Eufy RoboVac 11+

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Similarities: Between The Eufy RoboVac 11 vs Eufy RoboVac 11+

Both robotic vacuum cleaners eufy 11 and 11+ are very popular and have some same efficient features that are we will align here in detail,

3 Sstage Cleaning System:

Both eufy robovac 11 & 11+ have the formation of their brushes for extreme coverage. For the dust and wreckage in their way, eufy vacuum robotic cleaner has one rolling brush to loosen the dirt from hard floors and carpets in the center of the edged with two-sided brushes which help you to collect debris and dirt from the sides. It also has infrared sensors which help to avoid obstacles like furniture and walls. These eufy robovacs have drop-sense technology so you don’t worry about dropping down on the stairs for cleaning from the top floor.

eufy robovacs have drop-sense technology

Vacuum Suction Power:

Maximum suction of both eufy models RoboVac11 or RoboVac 11+ is 1000 Pa which is less as matched to their rivals so that it can’t clean as another vacuum cleaner in the marketplace but maximum people appreciate their ability and power of cleaning, they acclaiming that both robovacs are doing a magnificent job and both have same abilities to climbing on the higher rugs.

Charging The Unit:

All robotic vacuum cleaners must be wireless so they can passage freely everywhere your house to clean. So these are powered by 2000mAh batteries esoteric that can give them around 1 and a half hours for continuous application. When a battery is almost fully discharged, these will find the charging docks and charge themselves automatically. A battery takes approximately 5 hours to fully charge.

Differences: Eufy RoboVac 11 vs Eufy RoboVac 11+

Here, we will describe some dissimilarities between robovac 11 and 11+ so that you can choose easily the best and front-runner eufy vacuum cleaner among the two.

Power Boost Technology:

Power boost mode tells us that it is cleaning carpet, so this provides your robot vacuum more influential suction it tells you when to hump up so it’s an important feature to put an eye on it when you buy a vacuum cleaner.

Power boost mode tells us that it is cleaning carpet

Eufy RoboVac 11:

Lamentably, the Eufy RoboVac 11 does not have the BoostIQ technology because it comes up on the market earlier. Even it does not have a tricky situation in rising on climbing carpets, cleaning your carpet is totally another process. It may have a little distress when you vacuum denser carpets due to this lack of power boost technology. But its cleaning capability is still amazing.

Eufy RoboVac 11+:

Robovac 11+ has the BoostIQ technology which is the most advanced and powerful feature in robotic cleaner. According to the surface, BoostIQ enhances the power of vacuum cleaners automatically. We will ensure that eufy 11+give the fantastic clean of your house.

The Winner Is Prominent, Eufy RoboVac 11+

Cleaning Zone:

People ignored the most prime feature cleaning area when they purchase a vacuum cleaner. But it’s necessary if you have a larger house to be cleaned.

Eufy RoboVac 11:

As mentioned in the comparison table the eufy 11 can clean 120 square meters of floor region or around 1300 square feet. With this vacuuming area, it can reach the corners and holes of the average flat space. A larger cleaning area interprets to more space it can clean assemble the RoboVac 11 higher in this category.

Eufy RoboVac 11+:

Eufy 11+ covers almost 110 square meters or around 1200 square feet floor area which is smaller as compared to the robovac 11 but it has BoostIQ technology. If we compare both of them I will prefer Eufy 11+ which has the most strengthen power. Minor difference in cleaning area is not have more value rather than power. But here our winner product is obvious RoboVac 11.

Due To Slight Variance Our Winner Product Is-Eufy RoboVac 11.

Dust Bin Capacity:

Both vacuum cleaners do not have automatic dirt disposal so dust bin capacity is the most important feature. So here you will see which robotic vacuum cleaner is more convenient,

Eufy RoboVac 11:

The dust box of the Eufy RoboVac 11 is a little larger than the can work with this dust box until it extends from 600 mL capacity afore being required to by hand throw it’s at ease away. To some extent, this larger dust bin will also minimize the rate of clearing it. Therefore, it is more convenient. All the devices and expertise connected to the RoboVac 11+ need that space.

Eufy RoboVac 11+:

The RoboVac 11+ is larger but it has a slight minor dust box as compared to eufy 11. This space is engaged by the tools that Eufy added to the RoboVac 11+ that did not mark it in the imaginative RoboVac 11. The RoboVac 11+ can only fill up to 550 mL of dust. Repairs and pouring are more commonly done.

The Winner Is- Eufy RoboVac 11

Height Of Robot:

It is the most important feature of eufy vacuum cleaner. As the cleaner will be leaner, it will work easily to go beneath the obstacles like furniture,

Eufy RoboVac 11:

The dimension of eufy robovac 11 is 3.07 inches in height which are slim as compared to eufy 11+. So it’s easy to clean a larger home and under the stuff because it also has a larger cleaning area. Deficiency in this is only power boost technology otherwise it’s an amazing cleaner.

Eufy RoboVac 11+:

Even though the RoboVac 11+ has a smart vacuum power adjustment, it cannot reach most spaces due to its smaller cleaning area and higher height. It is faintly taller at 3.35 inches or 8.5 cm. This is some way small modification in height makes a vast difference when it comes from cleaning areas further down the furniture.

The Winner Product Is Eufy RoboVac 11, Due To Its Slimmer Profile.

Noise Level:

If you don’t want to annoy while you are sleeping or studying then it’s a valuable feature that you must have care about when you decide to buy eufy vacuum cleaners.

annoy while you are sleeping or studying then it’s a valuable feature

Eufy RoboVac 11:

The noise levels that the RoboVac 11 has been more than the 11+. It is uncertain to reach the sound of a laundry machine or a dishwasher which is loud even if you are in the next room. But if you are looking a bit in the breathing room, you will hardly advertisement it.

Eufy RoboVac 11+:

On the other side, the Eufy RoboVac 11 is very inaudible in operation. Its noise level bears a resemblance to that of an air conditioner. If you can doze with the air conditioner driven up, you or your suckling will assuredly sleep peacefully. So here our prominent cleaner is eufy 11+.

The Winner Product Is Very Clear Eufy RoboVac 11+.

[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Eufy RoboVac 11″ cons_title=”Eufy RoboVac 11+” ][i2pros]Pros:
• It can clean your house with one click and have a low profile that facilitates cleaning under the chairs and tables.
• Eufy 11 has a lithium-ion battery that provides more suction power.
• It can cover a larger cleaning area.
• The RoboVac 11 has a higher dirt cup capacity.

• It makes noise and disturbs you while studying or sleeping.
• Eufy 11 doesn’t have a power boost feature.[/i2pros][i2cons]Pros:
• Eufy 11+ has redesigned a 3-point cleaning system that ensures thorough cleaning.
• It has BoostIQ technology which manages its vacuuming power.
• Its climbing threshold capacity is high so that can easily clean high carpets.
• The RoboVac 11+ has a low noise level so you can take nice sleep while using this.
• Its price is low as compared to eufy 11.
• It has a higher profile so it can’t easily clean under furniture.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

FAQ’s That Clear Yours All Doubts:

Who makes the EUFY robot vacuum?

Eufy is part of Anker Innovations, one of the leading and most trusted consumer electronics brands in America.

Where is the EUFY RoboVac made?

The RobotVac 11 is Eufy’s latest product and a successor to the Anker RoboVac 10 with better run time, larger bin, and longer battery manufactured in china.

Does it work from light to dark areas?

Yes, it does. It doesn’t matter if the lights are on. Sometimes I set myself to run at night. Just need to make sure all cords are off the floor.

Why is robovac 11 + BoostIQ less expensive than robovac11? Is it not as good?

It’s better, it can boost the suction on dirtier areas. The 11+ is on sale. Not sure why they didn’t lower the price on the 11 too!

How long does Eufy battery last?

The battery on eufy Smart Lock Touch & Wi-Fi can usually last about 365 days (When the door locks and unlocks 10 times per day on average).

Do I need to register my eufy?

All Eufy warranties are automatically kept track of in our system, so there is no need to register your product.

The Final Verdict:

As you can see that either eufy robovac 11 or eufy robovac 11+ both cleaners are efficient and perfect. However, the eufy 11+ has some extra attributes that make them more valuable like BoostIQ technology and lower noise level. If you care about removing persistent dirt it is an excellent option that is available at an affordable price. So it’s clear that our winner product is RoboVac 11+.

either eufy robovac 11 or eufy robovac 11+

Roomba 670 vs 675

Compare the Roomba 670 vs 675 – which one is best to choose?

Do you want to purchase a smarter robot vacuum without spending a lot of money? So you should look at two of iRobot’s more cheap mid-level solutions. In reality, the Roomba 670 vs 675 are now some of the most popular robot vacuums on the market. So, as they’re both identical, what distinguishes them from one another?

The iRobot Roomba 670 and 675 are nearly identical. The only distinction between the two is the color selections. The Roomba 670 comes in two colors (white-black trim and gray-black trim), however, the Roomba 675 only comes in just one (black-black trim). However, this brief comparison of the irobot Roomba 670 vs 675 may assist you in deciding which one is ideal for you.

Comparison Chart of iRobot Roomba 670 and the 675

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Similarities between iRobot Roomba 670 and iRobot Roomba 675

Something around these two devices is identical, both in terms of features and efficiency. The various colors and model numbers resulted from where they were first launched. Here are some of the most notable similarities between these two.

Automatic recharge:

Both robots will clean up your house for approximately 90 minutes before returning to the Home Base charging point to recharge on their own.

Standard filtration:

Either model has HEPA filtration; alternatively, the Roomba 670 and 675 employ the AeroVac standard filtration.

Wireless communication:

The two robots are fitted with a cordless chip, allowing you to control with either speech instructions or voice controls.

Extraction method:

To remove and gather dirt and dust, both versions employ a bristles brush roller. The Irobot Roomba 670 and 675 reviews both are capable of dual-mode virtual wall hurdles, but neither comes with one.

Navigation methods:

To navigate your house, the two robots employ the basic iAdapt sensor-based navigation technology. For concern operation, every version comes with both the full 1-year iRobot guarantee.

Differences between the Roomba 670 and the Roomba 675

iRobot 670 and iRobot 675 design

The color of the Roomba 670 and 675 differs, but the measurements are the same.

The only difference between the Roomba 670 and 675 is their color. Whereas the newer Roomba 675 has darker faceplates to match the current Roombas, the 670 has white faceplates. Aside from that, all of the physical controls handle, and debris bin buttons are about the same.

But they’re both 3.6-inches thick; those robot vacuums have little trouble getting beneath most furniture. In circumstances when your robot vacuum makes contact with your surfaces or furniture, its light-touch bumper acts as a cushion.

Basic features of iRobot 670 and 675

The fundamental operation characteristics are the small elements that enable the robot to run and clean up that is included in all versions. Batteries and extractor bars, for example, are fundamental functioning characteristics.

The rechargeable batteries for the Roomba 670 and 675 are 1800mAh cells that can operate the robots for close to 90 minutes. Whether you have greater carpets than hardwood floors, that time will be reduced by roughly a half-hour.

Whenever the batteries are depleted, the two robots will return to the charging station to refuel. They would not, therefore, keep cleaning through their own once the charging cycle is through. As discussed below, none of these robots can map, however, if they could, they wouldn’t understand where or how to return to.

It’s also worth noting that the wheels can become entangled with hair or threads. This is typical and should be included in your daily cleaning routine. The robot is powered by the back wheels, which will ultimately fail. When necessary, you may replace each one, change the motor, and also have a new wheel. As a result, the wheels, including batteries, filters, and brushing rollers, are not covered by the guarantee.

Filtration and extraction of 670 and 675

The AeroVac 3-stage cleanup system has been phased out in favor of the AeroForce proper cleaning. The 600 series, on the other hand, makes extensive advantage of the AeroVac feature. The various elements work together to create pressure, filtration, and collection.

With rollers, they finish the extraction procedure for the suction phase. The main roller is indeed a bristle brush roller that grips and pulls trash into the compartment for suction and collecting. The second roller seems to be a rubber paddling roller whose primary function is to maintain the brush roller clear of debris.

Even if they’re not the greatest methods of extracting in the market, they do a good job for what they’re able to. Filtration, like extraction, is not the greatest on the market, but it gets the job done.

The AeroVac regular filter does not have a HEPA rating. It can collect bigger trash and particles as small as 10 microns. However, allergies and microorganisms in the house may still pass through. Upgrading to the 800 series or higher robots if you want HEPA-rated filters.

Mapping and navigation of 670 and 675

The Roomba 670 and 675 both feature sophisticated navigation and may be outfitted with a Virtual Wall Barrier.

The Roombas 670 and 675 are equipped with iRobot’s intelligence and cliff sensors, which prevent them from colliding with furniture or going down the stairs. However, for these cliff detectors, your robot vacuum may misinterpret dark floors and carpeting as stairs and refuse to proceed to that area, fearing it would fall. Something which happens frequently in robot vacuums, not even just the 670 and 675.

Because the Roombas 670 and 675 only have intelligent navigation but not mapping navigation, their vacuuming operation may appear random initially. Despite this, they continue to deliver on their promise of sucking in dust and debris with ease. You may buy a second suitable Virtual Wall Barrier or set this up if you want to restrict specific rooms or if you would like your Roomba only to vacuum one room at a time.

The 670 Roomba and the 675 Roomba cleaning performance

They have similar suction power, however, the 670 lacks Dirt Detect Technology.

The suction power of the Roomba 670 and 675 is 600 Pa, and they are both outfitted with iRobot’s fundamental technology and bristle brush. IRobot’s proprietary 3-Stage Cleaning System consists of their Double Multi-Surface Brush, Edge-Sweeping Brush, with vacuum suction. They collaborate to keep your floor clear of trash, dust, and hair.

The Dirt Detect feature present in the Roomba 675 is one of the small variations between the two. These sensors can detect spots with tenacious dirt and instruct your Roomba to concentrate its efforts there before going on to clean the entire room. This feature is not available on the Roomba 670.

On a complete cycle, the Roomba 670 and 675 can operate for up to 90 minutes. Whenever their batteries are depleted, they will return to their station to charge. They both require 120 minutes of recharging time to complete a full cycle.

Control Options of both 670 and 675

Because they are Wi-Fi enabled, you may manage them using a smartphone app or a smart assistant.

The Roomba 670 and 675 are both connected with iRobot HOME App, which allows you to operate your Roomba from anywhere. You may also utilize the app to plan your cleanup for up to 7 days in advance and keep track of your cleaning history. However, keep in mind your dustbin is empty since you do not want your Roomba to drop waste on the floor when cleaning.

You can link your Roomba to Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant for entirely hands-free cleaning.

Containment Methods and Options

Protection solutions are non-existent for such two variants. For dual virtual walls, barriers are consistent with both robots. Apart from digital confinement, which is present in the current Roomba s9 models, dual-mode barriers are one of the greatest containment alternatives available.

The issue is that the Roombas 670 and 675 do not include these obstacles. The base model robots arrive with simply the robots, charging points, and cleaning equipment until you buy an extension kit.

You can utilize physical boundaries instead of towers if you don’t have any towers. Heavy pool noodles or huge shoes, for example, work well enough. The best option is to get 2 different barriers along your robot to avoid the robots going into Butch’s bowl of water or knocking over the Christmas tree.

Real World Cleaning

We’ve already seen commercial videos in which robots are positioned in a controlled setting and a specified amount of the specific meal is placed in their route. See how amazing and simple they are to clean?

Let’s get down to business. You do not even live in a laboratory, and your spills, filthy footprints, and breakfast spills are not portion managed. So, let’s see how the above two robots do in the actual world that you inhabit.

The Roomba 670 and 675 on Carpeting

Carpeting will be the most difficult problem for several owners nowadays. If you have wall-to-wall carpeting, for example, you may say goodbye to the 90-minute timeframe. You will most likely be glad to receive 45 minutes. This isn’t terrible, but it will necessitate more regular cleaning sessions.

Low-pile, tightly woven carpets will gain the most from this treatment. Middle-high carpets will be thoroughly cleaned, but the results may vary. If your carpeting is made up of throw pillows or area rugs, the results will be hit or miss.

Some flooring transitions could be too excessive for the robot to navigate to get to the rugs. It will attempt for a time, trying to find the optimum approach position. In most circumstances, this will not be an issue, but thicker rugs may have issues.

The Roomba 670 and 675 on Hard Flooring

The 600 series robots will benefit the most from hard flooring. They go around the edges very well, but detritus is left on the sides.

Of course, people try, but the form and side brushes make deep region cleaning impossible.

However, for most parts, a single run-over hard floor will yield a clean sufficient to leave the giant upright vacuum in the cupboard for an extra week or two. Of course, mopping is still required, but the Braava 380t is here to help.

A few instances have surfaced of the 670 and 675 damaging hard flooring surfaces. Since these are uncommon, they should be mentioned. After numerous runs on soft floorings, such as wood, or sealed surfaces, you may detect minor marks or brush stroke scratches. But, for the most part, I wouldn’t be concerned.

The Roomba 670 and 675 on Pet Hair

The Roomba 675 or 670 is unaffected by pet hair. A bunch of pet hair, on the other hand, maybe. The robot likes to pick everything up and is capable of doing so. The brush roller, on the other hand, will require some help.

Pet hair adheres to the brushes like a magnet, so you’ll want to wash the roller frequently to keep it running properly. When you initially obtain the robot, you may have to interrupt a cycle to clear the brush roller. It can become tiresome.

But, the robots are fantastic at maintaining the floor, after several preliminary runs, you may discover yourself cleaning the rollers less and less. You may eventually be able to reduce your visits to once a week or fewer. Of course, this is dependent on the quantity of shedding pets as well as the amount of shedding they produce.

Compare pros and cons of Roomba

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Roomba 670″ cons_title=”Roomba 675″ ][i2pros]Pros:
Good cleaning on all flooring options.
Brushes on pet hair with little trouble.
Has a long enough runtime to cover many medium-sized houses.
An easy-to-use cleaning solution for tiny households.
Removes pet hair quickly and easily.
They are loud.
They are unable to move around all obstructions.
Ineffective navigation
Has a low price point, making it more accessible to a wider range of consumers.
Most customers can afford it.
Wireless connections
Simple to set up and then use
Voice control with Amazon Alexa or Google Home
Performance is not as good as in more sophisticated models.
I dislike lengthy maintenance regimes.

Frequently asked questions

Does iRobot Roomba 670 have mapping?

The Roomba 670 does not map out your home. A few of the higher-end Roomba systems, such as the 900 series, include a camera system known as vSLAM (visual simultaneous localization and mapping).

What is the difference between Roomba 690 and 675?

The iRobot Roomba 675 and Roomba 690 are almost identical systems that are varieties in color, a few design aspects, and the extras that come with the sale. The major difference between the two versions would be that the iRobot Roomba 675 does not have a virtual wall, but the iRobot Roomba 690 does.

Does the Roomba 670 empty itself?

Just use iRobot HOME App from everywhere, at any moment, to cleanup or schedule maintenance. When the task is done then the Roomba 670 charges itself. Its effective cleaning approach removes dirt, dust, hair of all sorts, and bigger debris from hard surfaces and carpets.

Does Roomba 675 map your house?

Because it does not map your house like the most expensive Roomba i7+ and S9+, you cannot set up virtual limits in the app. iRobot, on the other hand, offers a physical Dual Mode Virtual Wall Barriers for $59.99 (or a two-pack for $99.99) that interacts with Roomba 675 and allows you to have better control as to where it cleans.

Will a Roomba pick up dog hair?

The IRobot Roomba S9+ has an easily detachable rubber brush wheel that rotates counter-clockwise. This contributes to the vacuum’s Excellent rating for picking up pet hair on such a moderate carpet. This vacuum also performs admirably in our bare-floor and navigation testing.

Does the Roomba 675 get smarter?

The 675, enabled by iRobot GeniusTM, learns from your cleaning patterns to provide tailored schedules, whilst Google Assistant and Alexa let you start to clean with sound.

Does the Roomba 675 recharge and resume?

A charging station, a dual function virtual wall barrier powered by two AA Rechargeable batteries, a line cord, an additional aeroVac filter, a blank, and the usage handbook are included. It has a dual-mode virtual wall barrier (navigation control device). It has a cleaning time of up to 90 minutes, and it automatically recharges and continues after charging.

Which Roombas can self-empty?

The Roomba s9+ is the first one to include the personality innovation. Roomba i3+ automatically discharges its dustbin into a battery charger, which can carry up to 60 days’ supply of dirt, according to iRobot. The Roomba i3+ is operated via the revamped iRobot app, which is enabled by iRobot Genius Home Intelligence.

Why is my Roomba 675 so loud?

Based on the kind of floor being cleaned, your Roomba may make a greater noise when cleaning. However, if you believe the noise is greater than normal, you should first ensure that there is no trash on the floor and then inspects the brushes for any obstructions.

How many square feet can a Roomba 675 clean?

To summarize, the Roomba can vacuum your family room, dining room, kitchens, hallway, and bedroom on such a single charge. If you choose a different situation, the Roomba 675 has an overall hard flooring coverage of roughly 1200 square feet each charge. Full carpet houses will receive between 900 and 1000 square feet.

Is Roomba automatic emptying worth it?

A robot vacuum without the need for a self-emptying base is good, and one with one is far superior. The self-emptying base enhances the quality and simplicity of any suitable robot vacuum. It’s especially helpful if you have people in your household who may be more susceptible to dust and allergies.

How often should you backwash your pool?

As a general guideline, you must backwash your pools once a year or as part of your planned care. Another industry norm is to backwash whenever the pressure gauge on your filtration reads 8-10 PSI (pounds per square inch) higher than the beginning level or “clean” pressure.

Does Roomba 675 empty itself?

If you do not even require a self-emptying smart vacuum, try the $199.99 iRobot Roomba 675. It does have a three-stage cleaning method and a lifespan of around 90 minutes. When everything is running short on the charge, it’ll dock, charge, and then return to the task.

Do you need wifi for Roomba 670?

Yes, you must have wi-fi using the app and plan it, but not execute it. When you wish to run, you may press the cleaning button on the top.

Is Roomba 670 good for pet hair?

iRobot Roomba 670 Robot Vacuum-Wi-Fi Connectivity, Compatible with Google Home, Excellent for Pet Hair, Carpets, Tough Floors, and Self-Charging

Winner product

The two iRobot Roombas both seem to be well-built, dependable robot vacuums with reasonable price tags. Besides the color and Dirt Detect technology, another difference among the two is that the Roomba 670 that’s no longer be sold through iRobot directly. As a result, the best-selling Roomba 675 will get stronger assistance, even if it is only from thousands of other 675 users online. However, almost everything beneath the hood of the two versions is the same; the Roomba 670 remains one of the finest alternatives for robot vacuums in the same budget range.

Roomba 670

Eufy Robovac 11 vs Eufy Robovac 11+

Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+: Which Eufy Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Is Best For Your Home?

Here we’ve created a head-to-head comparison of two Eufy robotic vacuums that belong to the 11 series and are favored by most homeowners: Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+. Let’s dig into the core of these robotic vacuum cleaners to determine which of them is best for your needs and budget.

Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+: Side By Side Comparison Chart

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Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+: Similarities Between Them

Are you looking for a genuinely affordable robotic vacuum cleaner? The Eufy is pretty new in the household cleaning niche but gives high-quality features at a lower price than competitor brands. Of course, you will not get all the bell ad whistles with these vacuum cleaners. However, you get great functionalities and convenience worth the money.

Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+

As the name indicates, the Eufy Robovac 11+ is an improved version of its base model, the Eufy Robovac 11. They both offer some similar functionalities and share common features such as the same suction power. Let’s discuss the similarities between Eufy Robovac 11 vs Eufy Robovac 11+.

3-Stage Cleaning System

Both Eufy Robovac 11 and Eufy Robovac 11+ come with a 3-stage cleaning system (stand for their brushes configuration). They both have one rolling brush that sweeps all the dirt from the flat surfaces. This rolling brush is flanked by two sides brushes that agitate debris from tight spaces, baseboards, edges, and corners. Then directing this dirt to the vacuum. Moreover, they come with various modes, including main options the edge, spot, and max cleaning modes.

But that’s not all…

Furthermore, they equip sensors that allow navigating easily through your house. These sensors help to avoid obstacles such as furniture or walls. Moreover, you can also use them on the top floors of your home without worry about them falling as they come with built-in drop-sense technology.

Maximum Suction Power of Eufy Robovacs

Maximum suction power defines the cleaning ability of a robotic vacuum cleaner (how much it can clean). They both have the same suction power of 100o Pa. Comparatively, This power is lower than other vacuum cleaners available in the market. However, many customers praise their Robovac and give positive ratings for doing an excellent job of cleaning. The Eufy Robovac 11 and 11+ has comparable cleaning ability.

Controlling and Scheduling Vacuums Via Remote

Controlling and Scheduling Vacuums Via Remote

Both vacuums allow you to control them from the comfort of your couch using their remote control. Moreover, they allow you to choose pre-schedule cleaning. This is helpful for times when you are busy or somewhere outside. Keep in mind that they both don’t have apps for remote operations.

What Filtration They Have?

Eufy Robovac 11 and Eufy Robovac 11+ feature HEPA filtration that keeps you healthy by preventing allergens (pet dander, environmental, and others) from escaping into the air. HEPA filters are capable of capturing pet hair and particles up to 0.3 microns (smallest particles than all). With that said, these vacuum cleaners are a great choice for households with pets.

Battery, Power, and Automatic Recharging

Generally, robotic vacuum cleaners need to be wireless to move around freely to clean your house. Therefore, they are powered by batteries. The Robovac 11 and 11+ run on 2000 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. They can give around 1 and a half hours of runtime on different modes in a single charge, which is quite remarkable.

Whenever they run low on battery, they automatically go back to their charging docks. It takes around an hour and so to top up their batteries after which they can resume their job.

Maintenance Requirements

Both robotic vacuum cleaners feature a rotating brush that is prone to get tangled quickly if pet hairs or fur are stuck in them. Therefore, they need regular maintenance for optimal working. You need to check, remove, and clean the brushes now and then.

In a nutshell, proper and regular maintenance increase the reliability as well as the lifespan of these Robovac vacuum cleaners.

Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+: What’s the Difference Between the Eufy Robovac 11 and 11+?

Here, we discuss the differences between Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+ in detail to see which of these is better in certain functionalities and aspects. You can make an intelligent decision by recognizing their differences. Read below differences to know which vacuum cleaner suits you best: Eufy Robovac 11 or 11+.

How is the BoostIQ Feature Used in Robovac?

BoostIQ technology is also known as “Power Boost” technology. It automatically ramps up the vacuuming strength (power & speed) of your vacuum cleaner when detecting heavily dirty areas. Moreover, This mode allows the cleaner to detect solid areas and pull out hidden debris and dirt due to increased strength. So, you can clean specific areas (such as carpets) deeper and better. The battery gets drain quickly on this mode because the robot works faster than normal.

Eufy Robovac 11

Unfortunately, this earlier model does not feature BoostIQ technology. Although, it has decent cleaning ability and can climb carpets. However, it may face a bit of trouble in cleaning thicker carpets due to the absence of the BoostIQ option.

Eufy Robovac 11+

Robovac 11S and 11+ come with BoostIQ technology in Eufy 11 product lineup. It automatically changes vacuuming power according to the type of floor. You can clean stubborn dirt with this 11+ vacuum cleaner. Thus, the Robovac 11+ ensures deeper and better cleanup.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11+

Robovac 11 Cleaning Area vs Robovac 11+ Cleaning Area

Robovac 11 Cleaning Area vs Robovac 11+ Cleaning Area

The cleaning area is something you should never tend to ignore. It matters a lot if you have a large house or floor area to clean.

Eufy Robovac 11

A large cleaning area means it can clean more space. The Eufy Robovac 11 can cover 120 m2 or about 1300 ft2 of cleaning area. You can reach the nooks and crannies of your apartment with this cleaning area.

Eufy Robovac 11+

Though the Robovac 11+ features BoostIQ technology, it has a small cleaning area than The Robovac 11. It can cover around 1200 ft2 or 110 m2 floor area. It is up to you- choose a small cleaning area but more vacuuming strength or vise versa. However, the Robovac 11 is superior in this category.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11

Eufy 11 Dustbin Capacity vs Eufy 11+ Dustbin Capacity

 Dustbin Capacity vs Eufy 11+ Dustbin Capacity

Dustbin capacity is extremely important when you consider an inexpensive robot vacuum cleaner because they do not have an automatic dirt disposal feature. You must manually throw their content away, so we recommend going for the one with a larger capacity.

Eufy Robovac 11

the Robovac 11 is slimmer but comes with a large dust box than 11+. It comes with a dustbin capacity of 600-mL. It can accommodate more dirt and therefore it is more convenient. This slightly large capacity lessens the frequency of maintenance and emptying it.

Eufy Robovac 11+

On the other hand, the Robovac 11+ is larger but has a smaller dustbin. Perhaps, this space is taken by the sensors and technologies Eufy attach to the 11+. It can only reach up to 550 ml of dirt capacity. then you need to manually throw its dirt away. Overall, you should frequently maintain and emptying it.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11

How Their Climbing Threshold Differ?

The climbing threshold plays an important role when it comes to effortlessly transition between carpeted floors and bare surfaces.

Eufy Robovac 11

The Eufy 11 has a higher climbing profile of 0.63 inches. This means it can easily transit between carpeted and bare floors. Moreover, it does not face any trouble in climbing higher rugs because of its higher climbing threshold.

Eufy Robovac 11+

Although the Eufy 11+ comes with a better technology mode, it has less climbing threshold of 0.59 inches as compared to the Eufy 11 climbing profile. It can still have great capability of transitioning. However, Eufy Robovac 11 is better in this category than 11+.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11

Eufy 11 Robot Height vs Eufy 11+ Robot Height

 Robot Height vs Eufy 11+ Robot Height

The height of a robot vacuum cleaner is another important factor to consider. The height matter as slimmer robotic vacuums can reach tighter and small spaces and easily maneuver under the furniture to clean. Both robots are 12.99 inches wider, but they vary in terms of height and weight.

Eufy Robovac 11

As mentioned earlier, the Eufy 11 has a slimmer profile. It measures 7.8 cm or 3.07 inches high. the slimmer height and large cleaning area make it the best option for large homes.

Eufy Robovac 11+

In contrast, the Eufy Robovac 11+ stands at the height of 8.5 cm or 3.35 inches. This slightly taller height makes a huge difference when it comes to cleaning narrow and under furniture spaces. Although it has BoostIQ technology, it fails to reach and clean most areas because of its taller height and small cleaning area.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11

Are the Eufy Robovac 11 and 11+ Louder?

Are the Eufy Louder?

The noise level is something that many people tend to ignore. However, if you don’t want any disturbance in your sleep or other activities, it should play a significant role in your experience.

Eufy Robovac 11

The Robovac 11 has higher noise levels of 64dB than the 11+. It produces a noise that resembles the noise of a dishwasher or a washing machine. Moreover, its noise is audible even if you sit in the next room. However, if you are watching something, you may not notice it.

Eufy Robovac 11+

On the other hand, the Eufy Robovac 11+ has quieter operations with 59dB noise production. Its noise production is like that of an air conditioner. If you can sleep when the air conditioner is powered on, you can sleep tight under Robovac 11+ noise levels. Hence 11+ is better for households with young children and pets.

The Winner IS: Eufy Robovac 11+

Pros and Cons: Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+

[i2pc show_title=”false” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Eufy Robovac 11″ cons_title=”Eufy Robovac 11+” ][i2pros]Pros:
• Can reach and clean hard-to-clean and tighter spaces with its slimmer profile.
• The Eufy Robovac 11 covers a large cleaning area.
• Requires less frequency of emptying and maintenance because of a large dustbin.
• 3 specialized cleaning modes give great cleanliness to your home.
• Does not have fancy features such as Wi-Fi and BoostIQ technology.
• Eufy Robovac 11+ has BoostIQ technology that adjusts vacuuming strength on the fly.
• It has a quieter operation.
• Allow cleaning tough spots, high carpets, and high transitions.
• You get subjectively less compared to the Eufy Robovac 11 at a high price.
• It has a lower cleaning area and dustbin capacity.


Is the Eufy Robovac 11 a good cleaning system?

The Eufy 11 vacuum misses various high-end features. Despite that, it provides great cleaning performance without breaking your bank.

Do you need a bag for the Robovac 11?

No! It has its box to store waste, so you don’t need to buy expansive bags for the Robovac 11.

What is single room mode on Eufy Robovac?

This mode of vacuum will intensively clean a smaller area for 30 minutes.

Is the Eufy boost Robovac compatible with Alexa?

No! As these Robovac vacuums are not supported by any app and Wi-Fi. Therefore, they are not compatible with any virtual assistant such as Amazon Alexa.

Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+: Final Verdict

Finally, the clear winner of this Eufy Robovac 11 vs 11+ comparison is The Eufy Robovac 11. It gives you better overall performance and suffices most use cases. If you want to remove stubborn dirt, then go for Robovac 11+ for its BoostIQ technology. Otherwise, if you hate cleaning and are on a budget, buy Robovac 11 and you will not regret it.

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