Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs Samsung Hmd Odyssey

Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs Samsung Hmd Odyssey: which Mixed Reality Headset is best?

The augmented simulation framework specialty has acquired energy since the arrival of the Oculus Rift. These days, customers can look over a wide assortment of VR frameworks as indicated by their necessities and inclination. Presently, even Samsung is fiddling with the VR framework market. As of today, we will discuss Samsung’s entrance to the VR market with its Samsung HMD Odyssey and HMD Odyssey+. We should perceive how they stack facing one another.

Comparison chart: Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs Samsung Hmd Odyssey

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Similarities between the Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ and the Samsung Hmd Odyssey

Windows Mixed Reality of Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ and Samsung Hmd Odyssey:

While HTC, Valve, and Oculus rule the VR space, Microsoft is additionally attempting to infiltrate the VR market. The Windows Mixed Reality is Microsoft’s entrance to the roaring VR people group. As the name suggests, it is a blend of both computer-generated experience and expanded reality. Samsung decided to band together with Microsoft with both the HMD Odyssey and Odyssey+. The following innovation utilized in both the Odyssey and Odyssey+ is like the HTC Vive Cosmos and Oculus Rift S. Both utilize the back to front global positioning framework which doesn’t need any base stations to be introduced across the room. All things considered, the following is chiefly finished by the cameras situated on the facade of the headsets.

Show and display of the Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs. Samsung Hmd Odyssey:

Samsung is a known maker of extraordinary AMOLED panels. They use it all over, from their cell phones to their workstations. Presently, they are utilizing this astounding panel’s innovation with both the Odyssey and Odyssey+. AMOLED panel produces exceptionally energetic tones and their high differentiation is unrivaled by any board innovation. It is extraordinary to see Samsung AMOLED boards utilized in different gadgets, for example, these head-mounted presentations. AMOLED has its downsides, be that as it may. We will talk about it all the more later.

Sound and Interface feature:

Samsung has an organization with AKG sound. They solely join forces with them to carry incredible sound to their buyer items. Samsung’s Galaxy cell phones used to accompany a couple of AKG headphones. Presently, AKG’s sound innovation is seen with Samsung’s most recent Galaxy Buds Live. This is additionally obvious with both the HMD Odyssey and Odyssey+ which have AKG earphones underlying. Its unresolvable nature is one weakness of this pair of earphones, in any case. By and large, it actually brings a charming sound encounter.

Resolution: Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs. Samsung Hmd Odyssey:

The Resolution is a fundamental mark of a screen’s picture quality, addressing the greatest measure of pixels that can be displayed on the screen. The goal is given as a compound worth, contained even, and vertical pixels. Both the Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ and Samsung Hmd Odyssey have the same resolution which is 2880 × 1600px.

Differences between Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ and the Samsung Hmd Odyssey:

Assemble and Design of Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs. Samsung Hmd Odyssey:

You will not rapidly see the distinction between the Odyssey and Odyssey+ when you look at it. They have fundamentally the same as plans and assemble. We should investigate where they contrast.

Samsung HMD Odyssey

The HMD Odyssey is Samsung’s first interpretation of the VR headset. Obviously, it isn’t as completely prepared as the Valve Index or Oculus Rift. There are a lot of inadequacies with the primary Odyssey head-mounted showcase. One striking illustration of this is light spilling. Not at all like other VR headsets, you first notification how the overabundance light around you goes into the actual headset. Besides, the solace is supposed to be problematic as the cushioning that Samsung utilized is awkward. By and large, it is as yet an incredible first attempt by Samsung.

Samsung HMD Odyssey+

The Samsung Odyssey+ is almost indistinguishable from the Odyssey for certain enhancements. The primary thing Samsung fixed with the Odyssey+ is the elastic folds on the button locale. As a result, the light-draining impact that tormented the first Odyssey isn’t observable any longer. Headset cushioning is one more part that Samsung enhanced. Samsung utilized another arrangement of froth that guarantees more wind stream and diminished misting. In addition, the froth is currently removable. Accordingly, you would now be able to supplant or wash them. Within the width of the headset has likewise been expanded to oblige more individuals with glasses. Despite the fact that there is an increment in aspect, the Odyssey+ is shockingly lighter at 1.31 pounds without its links.

Winner product:

Samsung HMD Odyssey+ is the winning product.

Weight of the Samsung Hmd Odyssey and Samsung Hmd Odyssey

We consider a lower weight better since lighter gadgets are more agreeable to convey. A lower weight is likewise a benefit for home machines, as it makes transportation more straightforward, and for some different sorts of items.

Samsung HMD Odyssey

Samsung HMD Odyssey  has 644g weight.

 Samsung HMD Odyssey plus

Samsung HMD Odyssey has 594 g weight.

Winner product:

Samsung HMD Odyssey Plus is the winning product.


We consider a more slender suspension better since it makes the item more minimal and versatile. Slimness is a component featured by numerous makers of cell phones; however, it is fundamental for a wide scope of items.

 Samsung HMD Odyssey Plus

Samsung HMD Odyssey Plus has a thickness of 129.03 mm.

Samsung HMD Odyssey

Samsung HMD Odyssey has a thickness of 305.8 mm.

Winner product:

Samsung HMD Odyssey Plus is the winning product. 

Screen door feature

Samsung is as of now a pro at making astounding AMOLED boards. While AMOLED boards are incredible because of their distinctive shadings and high differentiation, it experiences what devotees call the ‘screen entryway impact’ or SDE for short.

Samsung HMD Odyssey

Because of the idea of AMOLED boards, there are spaces in the middle subpixels that don’t illuminate. Subsequently, it gives a lattice or screen entryway impact. The Samsung HMD Odyssey works effectively of lessening this impact because of its high joined goal of 2880 x 1600 pixels. While the HMD Odyssey has a high pixel thickness of 616 PPI, the screen entryway impact is as yet observable.

Samsung HMD Odyssey+

The Odyssey+ additionally has an AMOLED board. In this way, it ought to likewise experience the ill effects of the screen entryway impact, isn’t that so? All things considered, that isn’t by and large the case. Samsung set a diffuser over the showcase to make subpixels vague making the space between pixels likewise useable subsequently, diminishing the screen entryway impact. Samsung calls this innovation the counter SDE show. This diffuser additionally deceives your eyes to see the screen at a higher PPI of 1233 PPI, rather than 616 PPI. One drawback of utilizing a diffuser is decreased lucidity. Since diffusers basically obscure out the screen, the picture you see through the headsets is milder. Assuming you are not an aficionado of the screen entryway impact, then, at that point, the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ is for you.

Winner product:

Samsung HMD Odyssey+ is the winning product.

An incentive for Money:

Over and over let us know that all buy choices reduce to something significant: its cost.

 Samsung HMD Odyssey

Expectedly, the HMD Odyssey has a lower cost. For its somewhat mediocre presentation, ergonomics, and solace, it isn’t business as usual that it is less expensive. One inquiry actually stands. Does it bring more incentive for the cash than the Odyssey+? All things considered, that is a yes and a no. To start with, it is yes since it brings a ton of significant worth for the cash and it will acquaint you with the universe of computer-generated reality. Likewise, it isn’t a direct result of an intermittent deal that the better Odyssey+ has that reduces its cost by close to half

Samsung HMD Odyssey+

The Samsung HMD Odyssey+ is for sure more costly. As I would see it, its more exorbitant cost is still similar as it brings enhancements that you will find helpful over the long haul. The worth that the Odyssey offers can be seen more when it goes at a bargain. Now and again, a few arrangements cut the Odyssey Plus’ cost up to half of its retail cost. In case you see bargains like that, don’t stop for a second to snatch one for yourself. I give this one to the Odyssey+ because of this.

Winner product:

Samsung HMD Odyssey+ is the winning product.

Pros and cons: Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ vs Samsung Hmd Odyssey

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Samsung Hmd Odyssey+ ” cons_title=” Samsung Hmd Odyssey” ][i2pros]Pros
Blended Reality System
Double 3.5″ AMOLED
1440 x 1600 pixels for each eye (2880 x 1600 pixels joined)
Various revive rate (60/90 Hertz)
110 degrees field of view
Implicit AKG earphones
Interpupillary distance change
Preferable back to front following over different headsets
Viable with SteamVR
Following is incredible for a back to the front gadget
Less expensive
Revive rate could be higher
Still has a perceptible screen entryway impact
Fewer ergonomics and solace

Blended Reality System
Double 3.5″ AMOLED
1440 x 1600 pixels for every eye (2880 x 1600 pixels joined)
Various revive rate (60/90 Hertz)
110 degrees field of view
Implicit AKG earphones
Interpupillary distance change
Preferable back to front following over different headsets
Viable with SteamVR
Better ergonomics and plan
Removable face cushions
More incentive for the cash
Diminished screen entryway impact
Following is extraordinary for a back to the front gadget
Revive rate could be higher
Diffuser foggy spots out the picture
More costly

Frequently asked questions:

Is the Samsung HMD Odyssey+ discontinued?

Samsung’s true site is present doesn’t list the first Odyssey headset available to be purchased, however keeps on showing it as a “Backing Only Product.” The fresher Odyssey+ is as yet available to be purchased.

Are Mixed Reality headsets discontinued?

As spotted by Road to VR, Microsoft has winnowed the majority of the Mixed Reality headsets go beforehand on its US store. The last model on special is the HMD Odyssey+, while the Lenovo Explorer and Asus Windows Mixed Reality headsets are both recorded as unavailable

What is a Windows mixed reality portal?

Blended Reality Portal is a Universal Windows Platform application that fills in as a front-end for Windows Mixed Reality. It includes a 3D climate that clients can investigate, and modify with application alternate ways and virtual work areas. The element initially dispatched with one climate, the Cliff House.

 Do you need glasses for mixed reality?

No glasses essential

The majority of the increased/virtual/blended reality we’ve seen so far has required the client to utilize some sort of veil or glasses to project the experience. In any case, another innovation has quite recently debuted in the Danish National Aquarium; Mixed Reality without the requirement for glasses.

How do you use HMD?

Utilizing an HMD is very basic. Subsequent to pressing your hookah bowl just spot the HMD on your bowl with next to no tinfoil. After you have completely cooked your charcoal (Preferably Natural Coconut Charcoal) basically place them into the Hookah heat the board framework. Add the cover to your HMD once your charcoals are embedded.

Does Samsung Odyssey have a camera?

New Samsung Odyssey With 4 Cameras Spotted In China Design Patent. A patent granted by China’s Intellectual Property Office to Samsung uncovers what is by all accounts another variant of the Samsung Odyssey, with four following cameras. The patent was spot by 91Mobiles

Final thoughts

Albeit the enhancements for the HMD Odyssey are negligible, they are still upgrades in any case. On the off chance that Samsung continues to work on its HMD, Samsung might overwhelm the VR space as well. Between the Odyssey and Odyssey+, clearly, the in addition to form is better. It has a predominant enemy of SDE show and a superior generally speaking feel. However, those elements come at an exorbitant cost too. Be that as it may, assuming you can find a samsung HMD Odyssey+ at around $400 or less, it is an extraordinary arrangement and you ought to get it right away. In any case, the HMD Odyssey is an extraordinary option as well.

Samsung Hmd Odyssey

Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR

Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR: Which Virtual Reality Headset is better

Oculus began with a deal for its Oculus Rift, which generated around 2.4 million dollars. They were purchased by Facebook 2 years later. Fast along to the present, and they have grown into the thriving VR Company that we currently know. Meanwhile, most VR headsets launched since then have been primarily designed for playing on a Windows PC. Here is an ultimate comparison of Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR.

Sony introduced PlayStation VR for such PlayStation 4 four years just after the launching of the Oculus Rift. In this post, we’ll compare the PlayStation VR against the Oculus Quest. Let us now look at their commonalities and contrasts.

Comparison of Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR

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Similarities between the Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR

OLED Panel Technology

The Oculus Quest and the PlayStation VR are two unique VR headsets. The panel technology employed by both businesses for their headsets is just one of those commonalities. The Oculus Quest and PSVR both had an OLED screen within. Among some other panel technology, OLED panels are noted for producing the most brilliant colors and darkest blacks. This can result in a much more genuine and intense experience. But, OLED displays are infamous for producing a ‘screen door’ appearance. Since the screens are pentile, the empty rooms between each pixel become increasingly noticeable as the panel gets closer to your eyes. As a result, these empty areas provide the illusion of gazing through a screen door. Another of the headsets offers a better means of eliminating this impact.

VR Headset Setup

One benefit of implementing a system standard rather than lighthouses is the ease with which they can be put up. Although SteamVR lighthouse is more precise at tracking, the ease of establishing a VR headset with cameras is unparalleled. Even though the Oculus Quest vs PSVR use different tracking systems, the premise is the same. Each has tracked with 6 degrees of freedom. Although, there are cameras that are mostly in charge of the movement. The Oculus Quest’s camera is built into the headgear, but the PSVR uses a separate PS camera system.

Large Play Space

Another thing that Oculus Quest and PSVR have in common is their wide play area. In theory, both VR headsets provide infinite play space. Both headsets continue to function as long as when the cameras can be with you and your emotions.

VR Library

Various VR headsets, including Apple and Android, or PlayStation and Xbox, get their collections of Apps and games. Some of these are common across platforms, while others are platform-specific, so it’s a good time to look at what’s accessible for every headset before making a decision!

The PSVR has been out for longer than that of the Quest and has built a solid library of games. Resident Evil 7, Wipeout VR, and far point are all amazing titles that are only offered on the PSVR. If you join PlayStation Plus, you’ll also receive unlimited access to PSVR games upon occasion. In the PSVR games catalog, there are probably hundreds of titles to select from, as well as VR applications like National Geographic, Netflix, YouTube, and many more.

The Quest is the latest VR headset on the market, therefore it hasn’t had time to amass a significant unique library, but Oculus does offer two more headsets with a large selection of titles. Fortunately, Oculus has said that most of the Oculus Rift titles would be converted to the Quest, rendering the library of games and activities rather remarkable right away. The Quest will now have its special games, including the visually stunning Vader Immortal and The Climb. It’s difficult to tell which headset offers the better library of VR games and activities, although both should hold you entertained for months before new titles arrive.


Pricing is an important factor because we all enjoy a good bargain. The PSVR costs roughly $250 – $300, which includes the camera, controllers, and potentially some games. It all relies on whether or not any PSVR bargains are happening at the time, which happens frequently on Amazon. You’ll still want a PS4 to play it, which greatly increases the price if you wouldn’t already own one.
The Quest costs $399 for the 64GB device and $100 extra for the 128GB variant. Whereas the Quest is a much more expensive alternative, it is wireless and does not require anything else to function.

Differences between the Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR

The platform of oculus quest vs PlayStation VR

The platform upon which the VR headsets may be used differs between the two devices.

Oculus Quest

Oculus has been working on PC gaming ever since Rift’s inception. That is still true, although, with the Oculus Quest, they introduced mobile gaming. The Oculus Quest is an Android device now at heart. As a result, you may sideload any applications you wish to play. The Oculus Quest Store allows you to download games.

Sony PlayStation VR

Because the PSVR is manufactured by Sony, it is exclusively compatible with the PlayStation 4. Whereas the PS4 has its gaming environment, it is still inferior to what PC games have to offer. You may, however, continue to play popular VR games including Beat Saber and Superhot. In comparison to the PSVR, the Oculus Quest’s adaptability remains unrivaled.

The Winner is Oculus Quest

Screen Quality or psvr screen door effect

Although both the Oculus Quest and the PSVR have OLED displays built-in, their specs differ.

Oculus Quest

The Oculus Quest boasts a greater resolution of 1440 x 1600 pixels for each eye, for a total of 2880 x 1600 pixels. As a result, it has a greater pixel density. And that is why the Oculus Quest has a diminished sliding glass door effect. The Oculus Quest, on the other hand, falls short in terms of refresh rate. While a quality VR experience requires a minimum refresh rate of 90 Hertz, it seems to have a maximum refresh rate of 72 Hertz. In practice, there may have been some hesitation here and there. This low refresh rate significantly diminishes the realism of the VR experience.

Sony PlayStation VR

The PSVR’s OLED display offers a lower total resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. However this is the quality of a standard full HD display, it is insufficient for use with a VR headset. The PSVR has a higher refresh rate of 120 Hertz, which gives it an edge. As a result, games will perform more smoothly and realistically. At 100 degrees, the Oculus Quest and PSVR have about the same field of view. For the time being, it’s a tie because both have drawbacks.

The Winner is a Tie

Connection of sony VR vs oculus

Let’s take another look at what each VR headset connects.

Oculus Quest

The lack of cables is a major selling point for the Oculus Quest. That’s precisely what you’re thinking. The Oculus Quest doesn’t require a computer or a console to function. As previously said, it is effectively an Android smartphone because it contains a mobile processor. It also includes 4GB of RAM and 64GB/ 128GB of internal storage. As a result, you can enjoy Oculus games anywhere you wish. The Oculus Quest includes straps that wrap over your head to keep it in place.

Sony PlayStation VR

The PSVR, on the other hand, must be linked to a PS4. As a result, a more time-consuming setup is necessary for it to function effectively. However, when compared to other PC-based VR headsets, it is comparatively simple.  The PSVR doesn’t even have a CPU; instead, it must be connected to an external processing device. Finally, the PSVR features a unique technique of attaching to your head, since it employs halo-style straps. The Oculus Quest outperforms the PSVR because it is a standalone VR headset that could be taken anywhere.
The Winner is Oculus Quest

Compare pros and cons Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR

The advantages and disadvantages of the Instant Pot Duo Nova vs Duo Evo Plus will assist us in determining which the superior alternative is.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Oculus Quest” cons_title=”Sony PlayStation VR ” ][i2pros]Pros:
The screen door effect is lessened due to the higher resolution OLED screen.
This is a genuinely wireless standalone VR headset.
It has better tracking than the PSVR. It offers hand tracking without the need for additional hardware.
Oculus’ Guardian Mode increases the user’s safety.
There is some little bleeding around the nostril.
It contains visuals that are similar to those found on mobile devices.
The PSVR is more light and comfortable overall.
It is compatible with your existing PS4 games.
Although it must be set up, it is quite simple in comparison to PC-based VR headsets.
Unlike the Oculus Quest’s smartphone applications, you may experience superior console-quality games.
There are no analog sticks on the controller.
When the controllers are obstructed, PSVR quickly loses track of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is PS4 VR better than Oculus quest?

Quest 2 was just launched and has current hardware, but PSVR is visibly older and out of touch in practically every area of its hardware. Quest 2 has a tremendous VR game collection, but it lacks most of the other exclusives accessible in the PSVR environment.

Does Oculus Quest 2 look better than PSVR?

Despite using an LCD panel rather than Sony’s OLED display, the Oculus Quest 2 provides a considerably superior viewing experience than that of the PSVR. Because of a greater resolution per eye and a PenTile subpixel layout, the images on the Facebook VR headset are sharper and seem considerably less grainy.

Is Oculus going better than PSVR?

The Oculus Go has an LCD screen with such a resolution of 2560 × 1440, which is significantly greater than the PSVR’s 1920 x 1080. The PSVR has an AMOLED screen, which is thought to be the best screen technology for VR due to its capacity to show blacks including more vivid colors.

Can Oculus quest Play with PlayStation VR?

The Quest 2 is not formally supported with both the PS4 and the PS5. This should come as no surprise given Sony’s confirmation of the launching of their PSVR 2 headgear next year. Sony prefers that consumers use their VR headsets rather than third- parties.

Does Oculus work with PS4?

The simple answer is NO. It would be impossible to use an Oculus headset in favor of a PSVR headset. Since this PS4 has USB 3.0 ports in extraordinary situations, you can attach the Oculus cable connecting to the console, but this would not give you the desired outcome.

Is Oculus better than PS5?

Of course, it’s not the same as a PS5, but it’s a completely new, immersive experience that we’re glad to have available immediately. You can’t even play for as long as you could on a regular console, but you get a far better sense of immersion. The sole disadvantage is that the Quest 2 is difficult to distribute.

Which is the best VR headset?

The Oculus Quest 2 is our top selection for the finest VR headset. You can quickly set up that an all VR headset and then get started with VR without having to think regarding tripping over cords or going out the of cellphone battery life.

Can Oculus Quest 2 connect to TV?

All you’ll want is your Oculus app and now a functional Chromecast, with Chromecast with Google TV being the most recent and best option. Launch the Oculus app on iOS or Android. If your Chromecast device’s name shows, including such Living Room TV, click it. If this does not display, hit Other Devices, and that should show.

Is the Oculus quest worth buying?

Furthermore, the Quest does not require users to be linked to a powerful—and expensive—gaming PC to experience more complex VR games. More significantly, it produces an all-in-one finest VR system that is worth purchasing, even if you are only a casual user.

Is the Oculus Quest 2 worth it?

The Oculus Quest 2 is the greatest VR headset that Oculus has created so far. It is small, comfy, and strong enough even to perform astonishingly realistic virtual reality experiences. And, based on how you weigh raw power vs mobility and comfort, it may be the finest VR headset ever.

Is PS4 VR discontinued?

Within a year of the release of the PlayStation VR, the latest model of the head-mounted display (HMD) is now available for purchase. All PlayStation VR software is currently viable or on the way will, meanwhile, handle both variants of the PlayStation VR HMD.

What is the best VR headset 2021?

    • Oculus Quest 2 is the best standalone VR. $299 at Amazon.
    • HP Reverb G2 is the highest-resolution PC VR headset. $500 at HP.
    • Valve Index is the best PC VR to explore the future of VR controllers. $999 at Steam.
    • Sony PlayStation VR is still worth it for the games. $350 at Target. 

Winner product

This comparison demonstrates that the worlds of the Oculus Quest vs Sony PlayStation VR are distinct. The Oculus Quest is designed for Mobile and pc gaming, whilst the PSVR is designed for PS4 console gaming. Even when they are distinct, they have commonalities in terms of display and game area. Furthermore, they have drawbacks, such as the Quest’s low frame rate and also the PSVR’s poor resolution. I suppose you should choose your poison. If you already have one PS4, you can add virtual world gaming to your arsenal by purchasing the PSVR. However, the Oculus Quest is superior.

Sony PlayStation VR


Steam-Fast SF-275 vs SF-370

Steam-Fast SF-275 vs SF-370- Which One Is The Best Canister Steam Cleaner?

For many decades, steam cleaners have been frequently employed in the commercial industry. Steam is one of the most efficient ways to clean just about everything because it is quick, hygienic, and produces amazing results. Steam cleaners provide numerous advantages, including the ability to remove dirt and filth from carpet fibers as well as hard-to-reach areas, stovetops, gaps in floors and tiles, vents and drains, automotive detailing, and much more. If you really consider what you need from the machinery, selecting the proper sort of steam cleaner for the job is not difficult. Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370

Expensive cleaners are not required. If the one you already have performs to your satisfaction. This article will give you detailed information on the two steam cleaner models, the Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370, to help you decide which one is best for you.

Steam Fast SF275 vs SF370 Steam Cleaner – A Comparison Chart

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Canister Steam-Fast, The Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370 Similarities

The Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370 have a lot in common. We’ll go through a few of them in greater detail further down.

Steam Cleaners-Less Expensive

Both of them are well-known options in the mid-price range of steam cleaners. They are among the top three most popular steam cleaners, and there are hundreds of more popular alternatives in the same price range.

Water Tank Capacity Of Steam-Fast SF275 And SF370

The big 48-ounce water tank, which produces over an hour of continuous steam, is the last but not least vital feature. This allows you to keep your house clean by only heating the water once. You do not need to have to refill your steam cleaner with water every time you use it.

Chemical Free Steam Cleaners

With no chemicals, this powerful steam cleaner steams, sanitizes, and detoxifies, killing germs, dust mites, and other allergies. Multi-task steam cleaners are capable of eradicating germs, mold, mildew, and fungus in almost every cleaning situation.

Wide Range Of Surfaces And Attachments

Both of these cleaners are versatile and can clean a wide range of surfaces, including carpets, toys, and hard floors. Ceramic tile, grout, granite, sealed wood flooring, laminate, appliances, grills, automobiles, and other surfaces can all be cleaned.

Differences Between The Steam-Fast Models- The SF-275 And The SF-370 Steam Cleaners

The Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370 Steam Cleaners from Steam-fast offers a lot of the same features. They are also unique for a number of reasons.

Simple, Hassle-Free Sanitation Of Both Steam Cleaners

Steam-Fast SF-275 Steam Cleaner

To travel around your area, this heavy-duty steam cleaner has wide rollers and a canister design. After disinfecting your countertops, go to the bathroom or switch connections to clean other things. The Steam-Fast SF-275’s structure makes it a great choice for speedy spotless and cleaning huge areas.

Steam-Fast SF-275 Steam Cleaner

You would not have to regularly replenish this canister steam cleaner’s tank because it features huge wheels for convenient movement. The 45-ounce water tank allows for constant steam cleaning for up to 45 minutes. To access even the narrowest of spots, use the nozzle and long stream nozzle, or use the mop floor tool to clean hard surfaces.

The Winner Product Is The Steam-Fast SF-275 Steam Cleaner

Power Cord Length Of Both Models Of Steam-Fast Steam Cleaners

Steam-Fast SF-275 Steam Cleaner

With a 12-foot power line, you may move freely from room to room with this cleaner. Because of the length, you won’t have to plug in or out very often.

SF-370 Steam-Fast Steam Cleaner

This variant includes a longer power chord that allows you to move around more easily. It has a length of 15 feet and is designed for optimal portability and ease of use.

The Steam-Fast SF-370 Steam Cleaner Is The Winning Product


[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Steam-fast SF-275 Steam Cleaner” cons_title=”Steam-fast SF-370 Steam Cleaner” ][i2pros]Pros
Long-lasting and time-saving steam cleaner
Excellent grouting steam cleaner
A wide selection of steamer accessories and cleaning attachments praised
Cleans better than any other chemical-laden product
A stainless steel boiler will last a long time
Sturdy, high-quality extenders and accessories that firmly click together
Constant steam output
There is no option to wrap the power wire to make it easier to store[/i2pros][i2cons]Pros
48-ounce water tank delivers approximately 45 minutes of steam
Steam eliminates 99.9% of viruses and bacteria
Constructed 15-foot power cord making it excellent for long-distance use
Effectively and naturally cleans and sanitizes a large variety of surfaces
Convenience to set up and then use
The little jet stream might make a lot of sputtering noise at times[/i2cons][/i2pc]

What To Look For Before Buying A Canister Steam Cleaner?

These are the primary elements to consider when determining which steam cleaner is best for your needs.

Size And Weight Of The Steam Cleaner You Want To Buy

Steam cleaners come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and weights, ranging from commercial to handheld. The overall bulkiness will differ depending on the type and model you choose.

Before purchasing a steam cleaner, make sure to check the unit’s dimensions and weight. Consider if you want to push a large, heavy thing about or whether you prefer something more lightweight and portable after you know the size and overall weight. If you do not feel comfortable lugging or dragging a big steam cleaner around, it may be a disincentive to using it.

The Price Of A Steam Cleaner

Maintenance and replacement costs are reduced with a high-quality boiler. The boiler will last longer and produce better cleaning performance if it is sturdy and self-cleaning. A guarantee makes replacing parts easier and less expensive. Also, consider the cost of parts or accessories that you may need to replace on a regular basis. You may find it difficult to replace stainless steel or nylon brushes on a regular basis if they are exceedingly pricey. As a result, look for machines with low-cost accessories, as this will greatly reduce the cost of operations.


Lighter steam cleaners are usually easier to use than heavier ones, while larger steam cleaners can clean more thoroughly. It is a conundrum that anyone considering purchasing a steam cleaner must consider.

If you are concerned about the difficulty of holding a large or heavy steam cleaner, opting for a smaller, easier-to-use model may be worth it. However, if you really want a device that can clean thoroughly, you may need to go with a larger device than you first thought.

Noise Levels Of The Steam Cleaner Of Choice

Although steam cleaners are usually quieter than vacuum cleaners, they always make some noise, and some of them can be rather noisy. If you’re concerned about how loud your steam cleaner will be, seek models that claim to be quieter than average and read customer reviews to see what they have to say about the noise levels.

Water Refilling Machines

Commercial steam cleaners that may be connected directly to the water supply have numerous benefits. These steam cleaning products save time and labor in terms of water replenishment, resulting in increased production. Commercial steam cleaners with automated refilling. For example, can be refilled with little to no human interaction making them. A fantastic labor saver that employers would love to have in their construction equipment collection.

Steam-Fast Cleaner Water Tank Dimensions

A steam cleaner, like iron, will only produce steam for as long as there is water to heat it with. For smaller steam cleaners, this means having to replace your water tank more frequently, most likely while you’re cleaning. Larger tanks on the other hand will last longer. But they take longer to heat up, so you will have to wait longer to get started.


The overall winner product is the Steam-fast SF 370 Steam Cleaner

The Overall Winner Product Is The Steam-Fast SF 370 Steam Cleaner

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the maximum temperature of the Steam-fast SF 370?

A: The Steam-fast SF-370 Multi-Purpose Steam Cleaner is a powerful steam cleaner for professional steam cleaners. The Multi-Purpose Steam Cleaner cleans and sanitizes a wide range of surfaces using ordinary water heated to over 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: What is the process of steam cleaning?

A: Water is heated to a high temperature. Then blasted out as pressurized steam through a nozzle brush or other attachment. Dust mites mold staph and other allergies and hazardous bacteria are killed by the vapor which loosens dirt and kills them.

Q: Can I fill my steamer with tap water?

A: Using distilled water is an important part of steamer maintenance. Although you can use standard tap water in your steamer, doing so requires frequent cleaning and may reduce the unit’s useful life.

Q: What happens if the steamer isn’t filled with distilled water?

A: Distilled or filtered water is recommended. Mineral buildup in unfiltered water can prevent the mop from steaming.

Q: What is the best water to use with a steam cleaner?

A: or usage in vapor steam cleaners distilled water is always advised. While standard tap water can be used for steam cleaning. There are a number of advantages to using distilled water.

Q: What is the temperature of water steam?

A: When the pressure is 29.92 in-Hg, pure water turns to steam at 100C or 212F. (at sea level). When the vapor pressure equals the liquid pressure, boiling points occur.

Q: Why isn’t my Plantronics headset functioning properly?

A: If your phone’s list of linked devices shows the headset but it won’t connect, try the following: Remove the headset from the list of connected devices on your phone. Reconnect your phone to the headset. If the problem persists, try pairing the headphones with another phone.

Q: Why shouldn’t you use tap water in your steamer?

A: The reason why you should not use pure water with your steamer is that pure water doesn’t conduct electricity. On the other hand, impurities in water, such as salt, allow it to conduct electricity. When these salts dissolve in water, they produce ions.

Q: What may I put in my steam mop’s water?

A: Never fill your steam mop’s tank with anything other than water unless the manufacturer recommends it. Pay close attention to the directions. If you’re unsure talk to the manufacturer about whether or not a disinfectant or deodorizing agent is appropriate.

Q: What is the maximum temperature that the Bissell Power steamer can reach?

A: Heats up to nearly 200 degrees in 30 seconds, blasting dirt, grime, grease, stains, mold, and other contaminants off a wide range of indoor and outdoor surfaces.

Q: What is the difference between boiled and distilled water?

A: No, they are not the same thing. Boiled water is just water that has had its temperature raised to the point where it boils. Water that has been cleansed of all contaminants including minerals microbes is known as distilled water.

Q: Is it okay to use bottled water in my CPAP machine?

A: The safest approach is to drink bottled, distilled water. It is fine to clean your CPAP machine using tap water on occasion. In a CPAP humidifier, most manufacturers recommend using distilled water.

Final verdict- Which of the Steam-fast model, Steamfast SF-275 vs SF-370 Cleaners, is appropriate for you?

Steam-fast is a steam cleaning product range. That is aimed to make cleaning easier faster and more effective. The SF-370 steam cleaner is a portable steam cleaner that cleans everything from kitchen surfaces to upholstery and bathrooms. This device combines the strength of a full-size steamer with the convenience of a handheld steamer. To remove difficult stains, grime, smells, mold, and mildew, the Steam Fast SF-370 Steam Cleaner heats standard tap water to 200 degrees F.

Xps 15 vs surface book

Xps 15 vs surface book

If you require a 15-inch laptop that runs Windows 10. The Dell XPS 15 vs Microsoft Surface Book 3 are excellent choices. The XPS 15 vs Surface Book 3 are created for specific users, university students, or content providers (video editors, photographers, etc.) and have brilliant screens, quick performance, and luxury styling.

However, there are some significant distinctions between these two laptops that you’d be conscious of before making your decision. We’ll go into each element of these laptops and choose a winner to allow you to create an informed purchasing decision. Without any more ado, here’s our heated debate between two of the most expensive Windows laptops on the market.

Comparison Between Dell XPS 15 vs The Microsoft Surface Book 3

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Differences Between Dell XPS 15 And The Microsoft Surface Book 3

Value And configurations Of The XPS 15 vs The Surface Book 3 Microsoft

Both of these are costly laptops; however, the Dell XPS 15 is the superior buy based only on features and price. The Dell XPS 15’s latest model costs $1,299 and includes an Intel Core i5-10300H CPU with 8GB of RAM, a 256GB PCIe SSD, an Intel UHD Graphics GPU, as well as a 15.6-inch, 1920 x 1200 display.

The model we looked at costs $2,399 and comes with an Intel Core i7-10750H CPU, 32GB of RAM, a 512GB PCIe SSD, an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Max-Q GPU, and a 15.6-inch, 3840 x 2400 touch display. The Dell can be equipped with an Intel Core i9-10885H CPU, 64GB of RAM, and then a 2TB PCIe SSD for more than $3,000.

The basic model Surface Book 3 with such a 15-inch display costs $2,299 and includes an Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU, 16GB of RAM, a 256GB SSD, and also an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Max-Q GPU. Our $2,799 evaluation unit had 32GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD. A $3,399 variant with a Core i7 CPU, 32GB of RAM, and a 2TB SSD are available. If you would like to go completely broke (literally), a comparable configuration with a 1TB SSD and then an Nvidia Quadro RTX 3000 GPU with Max-Q costs $3,699.

Winner: XPS 15

Design Of The XPS 15 Dell vs The Microsoft Surface Book

In comparison to the XPS 15, which has a 15.6-inch 16:10 display, the Surface Laptop 4 is based around a 15-inch panel with an extremely tall 3:2 aspect ratio. As a result, the XPS 15 is somewhat shallower than that of the Surface Laptop 4, while being almost equal in width. Microsoft, on the other hand, made their laptop extraordinarily thin at only 0.58 inches, making it possibly the smallest 15-inch laptop on the market. The XPS 15 is 0.71 inches larger and 4.42 pounds heavier than the Surface Laptop 4, which weighs 3.4 pounds. But, each laptop is similarly well-made. Both the Surface Laptop 4’s only chassis and the XPS 15’s blend of aluminum and carbon and glass fiber are rock-solid.

There is no bending, turning, or stretching in either a computer or that you can remove both lids including one hand whereas the hinge secures the display. The carbon fiber on the black keypad deck and glass fiber just on the right of the XPS 15 be helpful than the metal palms support on the Surface Laptop 4. It provides the XPS 15 a warmer and softer feel, as opposed to the frigid sensation of the Surface Laptop 4. Both laptops are very appealing. The Surface Laptop 4 sports a simpler appearance, with fewer curves and no prominent chrome elements. It is available in two colors: Platinum and Matte Black, and both hues are consistent throughout the notebook.

The XPS 15 is more fashionable, with sharper curves and a silver metal top with a white or black keypad deck. The edges are made because of the double chrome, which gives a little luster while also repelling scratches. It’s difficult to choose a winner in terms of appearance, but if we had to, we’d go with the XPS 15. Those two laptops’ keyboards are some of the best on Windows 10 PCs. The Surface Laptop 4 offers greater travel and a much more pleasant, sharp, and accurate bottoming action. The keyboard on the XPS 15 has maybe less travel, but it has an additional snap to it that gives it just as accurate. Whereas the Surface Laptop 4 has an excellent touchpad that is big and sensitive, the XPS 15 features the largest touchpad unless in a MacBook. It’s equally as quick as Microsoft’s version but much larger.

In terms of networking, neither laptop stands out. The Surface Laptop 4 contains a single USB-C port, a USB-A port, a 3.5mm audio jack, and also the Microsoft Surface Connect, which may be used to charge the device and connect to a specialized dock. The XPS 15 is really on USB-C, with three ports, two of which enable Thunderbolt 4 (which the Surface Laptop 4 lacks), as well as a 3.5mm audio input and an entire SD card reader, which is a pleasant inclusion. Both laptops include Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth, with the Surface Laptop 4 having 5.0 and the XPS 15 having 5.1. The Dell has Thunderbolt 4, which is quicker and more versatile than the Surface Laptop 4’s capabilities, and the SD card adapter will appeal to creative individuals.

Winner: XPS 15

Ports Of The Dell XPS 15 vs The Microsoft Surface Book 3

Interestingly, the XPS 15 features a complete SD card reader just on the right-hand side, alongside a USB-C connector and a headphone jack. A couple of Thunderbolt 3 ports and just a locking slot are located on the left side. Although it lacks a Thunderbolt 3 port, the Surface Book 3 features more connections, including two USB 3.1 ports and now an SD card slot here on the left side. USB-C input and a Surface Connect charging connector are located on the right side. The headphone jack is located in the lid’s upper right corner.

Winner: XPS 15

XPS 15 vs Surface Book Display

The Surface Laptop 4 has a single display, an IPS panel with a resolution of 2256 x 1504, and a 3:2 aspect ratio. Its efficiency in the premium area is mediocre. It’s strong enough through 378 nits, with only a contrast ratio of 970:1, which is somewhat less than our ideal 1,000:1. Its colors were OK, at 73 percent AdobeRGB and 96 percent sRGB, which is what we would expect from a work laptop but not good enough for those who need wide color gamut’s. Color fidelity was good, with a DeltaE of 1.44, where anything less than 1.0 is regarded as outstanding.

The XPS 15 is available with three distinct 16:10 displays: Full HD+ IPS, UHD+ IPS, and 3.5K OLED. The latter has been assessed, and it is just beautiful. It’s not very luminous for an OLED panel, with “only” 381 nits, but again the contrast ratio at the typical absurd level, 381,130:1, resulting in colored blacks. Colors are broad, covering 99 percent of AdobeRGB and 100 percent of sRGB, and are precise, with a DeltaE of 0.49. Furthermore, the touch screen interface Dolby Vision dynamic frequency range (HDR) content, making it ideal for binge-watching Netflix and other HDR-enabled streaming services. This is, without a doubt, one of the greatest laptop screens available today. Researchers haven’t tried the Full HD+ and UHD+ IPS screens, but the former normally matches the same quality average score as the Surface Laptop 4, whereas the latter provides broad and true colors with great contrast.

There truly isn’t any comparison. The display of the Surface Laptop 4 is excellent and will please productivity workers, particularly with its tall 3:2 aspect ratio. However, Dell provides superior display alternatives, including an OLED panel that creative people would enjoy.

Winner: XPS 15

Portability Of XPS 15 vs Surface Book

We know that such Surface Laptop 4 is significantly slimmer and lightweight than the XPS 15. It will fit even more easily in your bag and will not weigh roughly as much. Although the XPS 15 is modest for a 15-inch laptop, it is thicker and stronger than Microsoft’s version. The Surface Laptop 4’s battery life is undeniably superior. It has significantly smaller batteries, at 47 watt-hours, comparable to the XPS 15’s 86 watt-hour battery, however, its IPS display consumes less power than Dell’s OLED display, as well as the AMD Ryzen CPU, is ecofriendly.

In our web surfing test, we got 13.5 hours, which would be a fantastic result and better than the XPS 15’s 10.7 hours. We didn’t do all of the same experiments on the Surface Laptop 4 as you performed on the XPS 15, but we promise that, given the settings, Microsoft’s laptop will last longer. The XPS 15 with such a Full HD+ display will survive longer, but even the display will be less impressive.

The XPS 15 Or Surface Book Keyboard And Touchpad

The Surface Book 3 is among the most pleasant laptops to type on owing to its speedy backlit keys, which provide a reasonable amount of travel given the laptop’s thinness. Every keystroke has a great heaviness to it, which is compensated with a gratifying physical bump. Microsoft might have made better use of the additional capacity by spreading the keys out much more, but my fingers rarely felt cramped.

The new XPS 15 includes bigger keycaps than previous models, making it simpler to write on if you have big fingers. Even though the buttons are well-spaced and provide a lively sensation, they aren’t as soft as it is on the Surface Book 3. But the XPS 15 makes up for it with an extremely massive touchpad that would make Apple blush. It is 62 percent bigger than that of the prior generation, measuring 5.9 x 3.5 inches. Luckily, the forearm is excellent, and the surface responded well to our swipes. In comparison, the Surface Book 3’s 4.1 x 2.7-inch touchpad is frustratingly tiny, though we had no trouble using it to perform Windows 10 movements like pinch-to-zoom.

Winner: Surface Book 3

Advertisement Of The XPS 15 And Surface Book

Our XPS 15 was outfitted with an Intel Core i7-10750H CPU and a huge 32GB of RAM. It outperforms the Surface Book 3 we tested, which features an Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU and 32GB of RAM. The Surface Book 3 scored 3,831 on the Geekbench 5.0 overall output tests, falling well behind the XPS 15 (6,147). It was also below the sector average (4,224). We next requested the Surface Book 3 to use the Handbrake program to transcode a 4K movie to 1080p HD. It completed the task in 21 minutes and 31 seconds, which is much lower than the XPS 15 (10:15) and the average (18:35).

Laptops With The Best CPU Performance

The Dell XPS 15 may be configured with one of three 11th-generations Intel H-series CPUs, running first from six-core Core i5 and Core i7 towards the eight-core Core i9, and GPU choices include Intel UHD graphics card, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050, or RTX 3050 Ti. We put the laptop through its paces with the Core i7-11800H and the RTX 3050 Ti. The Surface Laptop 4 is available with a quad-core 11th-generation i7-1185G7 processor with Intel Iris Xe graphics or an eight-core AMD Ryzen 4980U processor with Radeon graphics. The AMD is a generation behind, and this is the model we tested.

The AMD Ryzen 4000 range was a fast CPU for its time (around a year ago), but it has now been surpassed by the significantly faster 5000 series. The Surface Laptop 4 performed well in CPU-intensive workloads, particularly multi-threaded jobs, where AMD excels, but it couldn’t stay consistent with the XPS 15. Take, for example, Cinebench R23. The XPS 15 scored 1,513 inside the single-core test and 9,979 in the multi-core test, comparable to 1,137 and 5,881 for the Surface Laptop 4. That is a considerable disparity. In our Brake pedal test, which transforms a 420MB video into H.265, the XPS 15 finished in 101 seconds, while the Surface Laptop 4 took 122 seconds. Although 21 seconds may not seem like much, it’s still closer to a 20% edge for the XPS 15 – efficiency that builds up over time.

And don’t even get started on gaming, where another XPS 15 with the RTX 3050 Ti is a solid entry-level laptop ability to run recent titles at its native 1920 x 1200 resolution with appropriate graphics settings. If you attempt to run those on the Surface Laptop’s inbuilt Radeon graphics, you’ll get a slideshow. Simply told, the XPS 15 is a significantly speedier laptop. It’s most suited for producers who want to edit enormous photographs and videos, with the flexibility to game whenever you’re through for the day, whereas the Surface Laptop 4 is perfectly suited for productive tasks.

Winner: XPS 15

Battery Life Of The XPS 15 And Surface Book

Battery performance on our full battery, which included continual web browsing over Wi-Fi at 150 nits, the XPS 15 with a 4K display maintained a reasonable 8 hours and 1 minute.

Laptops With Best Battery Life In 2020

That’s a good outcome for a 4K laptop, but the Surface Book 3 outlasted it by many hours, with a lifespan of 11 hours and 10 minutes in laptop form. The tablet device has a battery life of 3 hours and 27 minutes.

Winner: Surface Book 3

Why did you go with the Dell XPS 15?

In this fight, the XPS 15 edges out all the Surface Book 3, but that’s not as easy as saying “Get the Dell.” The benefit of the Surface Book 3’s flexible design is difficult to measure, but it should be considered when comparing two laptops. That being said, if you do need a tablet or enjoy the notion of using the same for watching TV, presenting presentations, or reading, get the Surface Book 3 – no other device provides you the experience of utilizing a full laptop plus tablet in one.

Product XPS 15 Surface Book 3
Value (10) 7 5
Design (10) 9 8
Ports (10) 7 6
Display (15) 13 12
Keyboard/Touchpad (15) 13 13
Performance (20) 19 17
Battery Life (20) 15 18

If you prefer a classic laptop form factor, the XPS 15 is the best 15-inch laptop on the market owing to its quick speed, stunning screens, and upgraded keyboard and touchpad. Also, don’t be concerned about battery life. We exclusively tested the 4K model’s battery capacity, but depending on that, we anticipate the 1080p model should last a complete day on a single charge. Finally, the XPS 15 and Surface Book 3 are two Windows laptops to consider; your choice should be based on pricing and form factor preference.

Overall Summary

Let us now recap what we have learned about the two computers thus far. We’ve found that the XPS 15 has more beautiful. Somewhat superior design, despite the fact that it does not turn into a tablet. It is Surface Book 3, however, comes at a substantially higher price. The Surface Book may have a few additional ports, but it lacks Thunderbolt 3, which will certainly be a concern for many consumers. It was also outperformed by the XPS 15 in terms of display quality, size, color, and brightness. While its display is still rather outstanding, it falls short in certain aspects and falls short in all of them in comparison to the XPS 15.

Whenever it relates to battery life. The Surface Book 3 outperforms, lasting 11 hours in laptop capacity and roughly approximately three hours in full screen. The XPS 15, but on the other hand, only lasted roughly 8 hours in its single laptop mode, which is likely owing to the fact that it is a 4K laptop. The XPS 15 won with its 10th generation Intel Core i7-10750H processor, especially as the customer may choose to upgrade to the 10th generation Intel Core i9-10885H CPU. Surface Book 3 and its Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU lose in both scenarios, at least in terms of speed.

When it comes to GPU performance the Surface Book fared significantly better. Thanks to its Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti with Max-Q GPU. The GeForce GTX 1650 Ti (Max-Q) GPU in the XPS 15 proved to be underpowered in relation. Which is something to keep in mind if you intend to get one of those laptops for gaming. Having some out of the way, we’ll let you make your own decision based on your specific requirements. If you require a gaming laptop. The Surface Book’s GTX 1660 Ti is preferable to the XPS’ GTX 1650 Ti, as previously stated. The Surface Book offers a somewhat longer battery life, but that’s about it.

In every other way, it falls short of the Dell XPS 15, which would be a clear winner if it weren’t for these two shortcomings.


[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Dell XPS 15″ cons_title=”Microsoft Surface Book 3″ ][i2pros]Pros:
Intel Core “Ice Lake” processors from the 10th generation
6 Wi-Fi
Has a reduced starting price.
Stunning show
A bigger battery
The 4K display on this laptop is one of the best available. It’s ideal for individuals who need the highest quality.
Not only is the design of the display excellent, but so are the complete chassis, keyboard, and touchpad.
Because this laptop is made entirely of high-quality components, you may be confident that it will endure a long time.
Less adaptable[/i2pros][i2cons]Pros:
10th Generation Intel Core “Ice Lake” CPUs
6 Wi-Fi
Dedicated GPU configurations
More adaptable
The tablet mode
For people who want something elegant and light.
The Surface Book 3 offers one of the longest battery lives of any laptop available.
If you’re looking for something exclusively for gaming, it can still run games rather effectively.
More costly
The battery life[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Overall winner: Dell XPS 15

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Surface Book 3 overpriced?

The Surface Book 3 is a high-end laptop with one of the greatest screens and keyboards we’ve seen on a laptop to date. But, the expensive price tag and mediocre CPU keep it from being truly fantastic.

Why is my Surface Book 3 so slow?

If your Surface 3 begins to operate slowly in comparison to previous performance, there might be some explanations. One of the simplest remedies is to reboot your Surface. See if it resolves the issue — a running program might be causing issues in the background.

Is Surface Pro 3 still supported?

It demonstrates that, amidst its 2014 release, the Surface Pro 3 will continue to receive them through November 2021. The Surface Pro 3 through Pro 5/2017 will no longer get updates on November 13, 2021. This implies that the three will be supported for a total of seven years.

Does the surface laptop 3 turn into a tablet?

The Surface Book 3 is intended for business use. In our most capable Surface laptop ever, efficiency meets adaptability. The speed graphics and extended battery life of a powerful laptop are combined with the portability of a processor-powered touchscreen and portable studio.

Will there be a Windows 11?

Microsoft is starting to send out the new Windows 11 to qualified devices today, October 5th. Microsoft introduced the next flagship version to its file system, Windows 11, previously this year.

Why does my Surface Pro 3 take so long to turn on?

At launch, your computer is executing too many (maybe one or general Increase heavy) background programs. If you have Windows 10, your computer should move from cold start to successful login in less than 20 seconds. After logging in, it should take around 30 seconds to get to a useable Desktop.

Which surface is the best?

The Surface Pro 8 is perhaps the most recognizable Surface in the range, and its recent upgrade proves it. Microsoft’s Surface Pro 8 maintains the company’s tradition of raising the bar in the 2-in-1 market.

Can I get Windows 11 for free?

Because Microsoft will release Windows 11 on June 24, 2021, users of Windows 10. Windows 7 will want to convert to Windows 11. For the time being, Windows 11 is a free update, and anybody may upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. While installing your Windows, you should get some fundamental understanding.

Why is my surface going so slow?

It’s conceivable that you’ve installed software that isn’t appropriately written (particularly on the Surface Pro/Pro2). As a consequence, they may be consuming a significant amount of CPU or RAM, producing your delay. Using Resource Monitor is one of the simplest methods to verify this. To launch Resource Monitor, perform the following steps.

Is the surface going 2 Slow?

It’s charming, but it’s mediocre. The screen was tiny, with heavy bezels around it, the functionality was excruciatingly slow, and the battery life was dismal. The Surface Go 2 is a no-go as with most people due to. Its slowness smaller screen and middling battery life.

Why is my Microsoft laptop so slow?

Applications running at the same time were some of the most typical causes of a sluggish computer. Disable or disable any TSRs and starting applications that are launched automatically when the computer boots. To view which apps are running in the background, but how much memory resources they are consuming: Launch “Task Manager.”

Winner Product

If you want a multipurpose PC, go along with the Surface Book 3. Microsoft’s Surface Book 3 is a great computer. By disconnecting the keyboard base the business allows the device to be used as a tablet or laptop. It boasts strong 10th Gen CPUs and a wide range of configuration options. As long as you can overlook the initial price, it’s a fantastic selection in this category.

If everybody wants is a laptop, the Dell XPS 15 is a wiser choice; the XPS 15 is one of the finest 15-inch laptops. It’s extremely powerful, with 10th Gen Intel CPUs and a gorgeous 4K display. There is also an argument to be made for a lower beginning price.

Winix hr900 vs 5500-2

Winix hr900 vs 5500-2 HEPA air purifiers- which one is the best one?

Since indoor air is not as well circulated as outdoor air, many contaminants thrive inside, increasing the risk of respiratory infections, neurological disorders, and other illnesses. However, by accumulating pollutants, a high-efficiency particular air (HEPA) filter can help to purify the filthy indoor air. Up to 99.9% of dust particles can be removed using a real HEPA filter. When you choose a Winix hr900 vs 5500-2 HEPA air purifiers for your home, you are opting for a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.

The Winix hr900 and the 5500-2 are among the most popular air purifiers on market. Both of them provide strong protection against indoor contaminants. Below, we analyze their characteristics and present shopping advice that will undoubtedly assist you in determining the best one for your needs.

Air purifier hr900 vs 5500-2 – Winix models comparison

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Winix air purifier, Winix HR900, and Winix 5500-2- Similarities

There are a number of similarities between the Winix HR900 and the Winix 5500-2 air purifiers. A couple of these will be discussed further down.

Pre-filters of both Winix air purifiers

The first changeable pre-filter catches visible dust particles such as pet hair and dander from the air. The washable pre-filter in the Winix HR900 and Winix 5500-2 catches bigger airborne particles from the interior air.

Design of the tower of Winix hr900 and 5500-2 purifiers

The Winix hr900 and 5500-2 both have a tower design and a huge form factor. The air purifier’s tall form allows it to take in a lot of air while also providing more space for the HEPA filter and carbon filter. The tower’s form also allows for extra space at the top for ejecting cleansed air that has passed through the filters.

Activated Carbon Filters of Winix air purifiers

The Activated Carbon filter in the Winix 5500-2 and the Winix HR900 lowers kitchen smells, food odors, cocking odors, and VOCs in the indoor air.  The Activated Carbon filter quality of these two air purifiers is different. The Honeycomb filter in the Winix HR900 is of high quality and effective against VOCs, food odors, and hazardous smells.

Various Fan Speeds of both Winix products

Many fan speeds can switch on the Winix hr900 and 5500-2. They each have five different fan speeds. Because of the decreased fan speeds, there is less noise produced. The Winix hr900 and 5500-2 can also modify the air in a room up to 5 times in an hour.

Technology-based on Plasma waves of air purifiers

Plasma wave technology uses both the Winix HR900 and the Winix 5500-2. To halt the growth of fungus, Plasma wave technology cleans them, eliminates viruses, and destroys DNA. To summarize, the Winix HR900 is a fantastic, albeit pricey, air purifier on the market.

No Wireless Connectivity

Unlike some other high-end air purifiers, the Winix hr900 and 5500-2 are manually regulated and do not have wifi communication. A physical remote control device is included with the Winix 5500-2, but not with the Winix hr900. This has previously been mentioned in the differences.

The Control Panel of Devices

The Winix hr900 and 5500-2 air purifiers are controlled via buttons on the unit. Because the devices are not Wi-Fi enabled, there is no phone application that can be used to switch between modes.

Filter with HEPA and Deodorization

The HEPA and deodorization filters in the Winix HR900 and 5500-2 are identical. Both feature HEPA filters that report eliminating particles as fine as 0.3 microns in 99.97 percent of cases. Furthermore, both air purifiers remove odors from the space using AOC Carbon filters. The AOC carbon filters are also washable. These filters have a longer lifespan than other filters on the market. Every 12 months, these filters should replace. Both air purifiers have a filter replacement indication, so you won’t forget to replace them.

Differences between Winix hr900 vs 5500-2

Despite the fact that both Winix air purifier models have many similarities, there are a few differences in the Winix model, such as:

Sound Comparison of both Winix air purifiers

Winix HR900

Internally, the Winix HR 900 resembles a cross between the Winix HR950 and the P300, therefore we can conclude that the Winix HR 900 is an extremely quiet indoor air cleaner. The sections are also one of Winix HR 900’s most important features. The Winix HR 900 produces a sound that is 26 dB.

Winix 5500-2

At lower fan speeds, the Winix 5500-2 emits 28 decibels. The Winix 5500-2 makes a lot more noise on turbo mode. The greatest noise level I recorded was 58 dB.

The winner product is Winix 5500-2

Room size of HR900 and the 5500-2 Winix purifier

Winix HR900

The Winix HR900 has a recommended room size of 300 square feet, according to AHAM. The Winix HR900 can suit a medium-sized living room despite the typical living room size being 319 square feet. Furthermore, it will readily fit your infant or children’s needs.

Winix 5500-2

The Winix 5500-2 has a 360-square-foot recommended room size. As a result, because the 55002 exceeds the normal living room size, it may place in any living room. Having said that the Winix 5500-2 outperforms the HR900.

Winix 5500-2 is the winning product

CDR and ACH of the Winix HR900 and 5500-2

Winix HR900

The Winix HR900 has a coverage area of only 300 square feet. The Winix HR900 moves four times the amount of air in a 300 square foot space every hour. Winix HR900 has a CADR of 194 smoke/ 200 dust/ 220 pollen. The CADR rating of this air purifier is 300 square feet. However, it is still significantly lower than the Coway AP-1512HH, which is equivalent in price.

Winix 5500-2

Winix 500-2 covers an area of 360 square feet. The Winix 5500-2 air purifier has a larger surface area than the HR900 air purifier. For 15 minutes, the Winix 5500-2 cleans the interior air of a 360 square foot room. The CADR of the Winix 5500-2 is superior to that of the Winix HR900. 5500-2 has a CADr of 232 smoke, 243 dust, and 246 pollen. The CADR rating indicates how quickly an air purifier cleans a specific size room.

Winix HR900 is the winning product

Pros and Cons: Winix hr900 vs 5500-2

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Winix HR900″ cons_title=”Winix 5500-2″ ][i2pros]Pros
• It is a well-designed air purifier
• Reasonable and cheap price range
• Air purifier with Auto and Sleep modes
• It contains five layers of filtration, resulting in higher-quality air

• Filter replacement costs are high
• There is no wireless capability
• Have excellent performance and cutting-edge technologies
• Capable of cleaning greater spaces (360 sq. ft. rooms)
• Because the Winix 5500-2 has a bigger recommended room space by the AHAM, you can put it in any room inside your house.

• This item has a foul odor.
• The CFMs of its air delivery rates are generally lower.

What to look for before buying Winix air purifier?

When it comes to buying Winix air purifiers, there are only a few things to consider.

Filter replacement costs of air purifier

Filters should be replaced every six to twelve months for pleated filters and every three months for activated carbon filters as a general rule. The majority of the devices we tested had a light that indicates when the filter needs to be changed. The price of filters varies greatly, ranging from $20 to more than $200. Filters that remove odors with carbon can cost up to $50.

Certifications of air purifier

There are a few labels on the packaging that you should look for. The Energy Star logo is the first. To be successful, air purifiers must run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and you should consider the cost of energy when shopping. Purifiers that have earned the Energy Star label use 40% less energy than normal versions.

Dimensions of the room

If an air purifier bears the AHAM Verified seal, you can rest assured that it can manage the recommended room size. Consider sizing up; most machines designed for big rooms (350 square feet and up) nevertheless function well at lower speeds, which is ideal for watching TV or sleeping.

Adjustment of speed

Consider not only how effectively an air purifier functions, but also how well you will be able to live with it. The noise level of a refrigerator is around 50 dB. When you’re not in the room, leave the unit on high and switch it down to low when you’re nearby. Alternatively, choose an air purifier that is certified for a bigger area and filters more air even at moderate speeds.

Final verdict- which air purifier is right for you from the Winix brand?

WINIX air purifiers use an air purifier filtration system and WINIX Plasma wave technology to filter the air in your home or business. The two greatest air purifiers are the Winix HR900 and Winix 5500-2. The Winix HR900 vs 5500-2 comparison report explain in this article. We go over the advantages and disadvantages of the Winix 5500-2 and the HR900 Winix purifier in detail. You can now select whatever appears to be the best option for you. If you love dogs and have pets at home, the Winix HR 900 is a great choice. The Winix 5500-2 makes a turbo mode noise which is otherwise 58 dB noise level. This is a superior deal at this pricing.

Winix hr900 vs 5500-2

Winix 5500-2 air purifier is the overall winning product


Q: Does the Winix hr900, like the Winix 5500-2, have a remote control device?

A: No. The Winix hr900, unlike its predecessor, does not include a physical remote control. The buttons on the gadgets are used for all controls and switching between modes.

Q: Is the Winix 5500 2 capable of producing ozone?

A: Because Winix Air Purifiers use Plasma wave technology, they produce ozone. Ions, charged particles, were released into your room by Plasma wave technology.

Q: How long should an air purifier operate every day?

A: At least 12 hours each day, but we recommend operating your air purifier 24 hours per day for optimum results, as dust and airborne particles will circulate nonstop throughout the day.

Q: Can an air purifier be used to clean many rooms?

A: It generally recommend to have an air purifier in each room. You can even move it from room to room to improve the circulation of clean air inside your home.

Q: How many air purifiers will I require?

A: It is best to have an air purifier in the rooms where you spend the most time. This could need the purchase of at least three air purifiers, one for the living room, one for the kitchen, and one for the bedroom.

Q: Do air purifiers reduce dust?

A: It is considered to have an air purifier in the rooms where you spend the most time. This could need the purchase of at least three air purifiers: one for the living room, one for the kitchen, and one for the bedroom.

Q: Does air purifier remove pollen?

A: Pollen remove by air purifiers, which alleviates many allergy problems. Most airborne allergens, such as pollen, are removed from your interior air by a Blue air purifier.

Q: Do air purifiers assist with allergies and asthma?

A: According to a 2018 study, air purifiers are useful in reducing asthma symptoms, particularly in youngsters. According to a 2016 study, air purifiers may be more successful at removing some allergens, such as smoke, but less effective at decreasing others, such as animal dander.




Ddr3 vs ddr4

Ddr3 vs ddr4 – which one of the following RAM is better?

Storage and RAM are the two most important factors of a PC’s speed. More RAM enhances PC speed, not only for intense programs such as games but also for more ordinary applications such as web browsers. Ddr3 vs ddr4, DDR3 was a huge improvement over its precursor DDR2, and this study proves it. The DDR4 standard provides larger module density, more stability, higher transfer rates, and lower voltage, resulting in higher performance, strength, and accuracy efficiency. It is also a future-oriented standard; for example, it enables 3D stacking of passes away with through-silicon-vias (TSVs), allowing for increased module density by layering up to 8 dies. In reality, however, consumers may not perceive a significant improvement in performance while utilizing today’s modern DDR4 RAM modules.

Comparison between Ddr3 vs ddr4

[table id=113 /]

Similarities between the ddr4 and the Ddr3

Features DDR3 DDR4
Prefetch Buffer 8n 8n
Internal Rate 100-266 MHz 100-266 MHz


Differences between the Ddr3 vs ddr4

Key differences between ddr3 vs ddr4 ram:

  • DDR4 RAM consumes less power and is quicker than DDR3 RAM
  • DDR3 RAM is completely compatible with prior RAM generations whereas DDR4 RAM is not backward standards-compliant RAM generations
  • DDR3 RAM features a 240-pin interface. DDR4 RAM, on the other hand, has a 288-pin interface.
  • DDR3 clock speeds range from 800 MHz to 2133 MHz, whereas DDR4 clock speeds are 2133 MHz.

DDR3 review

DDR3 RAM is an abbreviation for Double Data Rate version 3. In 2007, DDR3 RAM was launched. DDR3 is less expensive than DDR4. DDR3 uses less energy than DDR2, but it’s more than DDR4. DDR3 is slower than DDR4 in terms of speed. DDR3 memory has a maximum capacity of 16 GB. DDR3 clock speeds range from 400 MHz to 1066 MHz. DDR3 is faster than DDR4 in terms of latency. DDR3 memory provides a shorter latency. For substance, auto-refresh and identity are used. ECC memory, which reduces additional data byte lanes, is included in DDR3 RAM. DDR3 RAM operates at 1.50 V. The DDR3 RAM interface has 240 pins. This DDR RAM is backward consistent with prior RAM models. DDR3 RAM consumption has been declining for decades.

The following are the key characteristics of DDR3 SDRAM:

  • Transfer rate of data: 800 to 1600 MT/s (mega transfers per Second)
  • The voltage of operation: 1.8 V
  • Lower signaling standard x8 prefetch decreased power
  • Improved write signaling with dynamic ODT
  • Architecture for fly-bys
  • Reading/Writing Leveling
  • Calibration of drivers
  • Reset the device
  • Address mirroring on DIMMs
  • Better device pinout

DDR4 review

DDR4 RAM is an abbreviation for Double Data Rate version 4. DDR4 memory was launched in 2014. DDR4 is more expensive than DDR3. DDR4 uses less energy than DDR3. DDR4 seems to be a faster memory type than DDR3. DDR4 has no maximum capacity or restriction. DDR4 clock speeds ranged from 1066 to 2133 MHz. DDR4 latency is higher than DDR3. DDR4 has a higher latency than DDR3. For contents, only self-refresh is conducted. DDR4 RAM provides computational capabilities on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, PCs, and laptops. DDR3 RAM operates at 1.20 V. The DDR4 RAM interface is 288-pin. This sort of DDR RAM isn’t backward compatible with RAM from previous generations. Along with its incorporation of upcoming technology, DDR4 RAM is in high demand.

Here are some key characteristics of DDR4 SDRAM:

  • Lowering the signaling standard
  • X8 Prefetch with reduced power
  • Improved write signaling with dynamic ODT
  • Architecture for fly-bys
  • Reading/Writing Leveling
  • Calibration of drivers
  • Reset the device
  • Address mirroring on DIMMs
  • Better device pinout
  • Data transmission rate ranging from 2133 to 3200 MT/s

In terms of appearance, how does DDR4 vary from DDR3?

A DDR4 module, also known as both an in-line memory controller (DIMM), resembles a DDR3 DIMM in appearance. Furthermore, DDR4 has 288 pins as opposed to 240 pins in DDR3; DDR4 SO-DIMMS contains 260 pins as opposed to 204 in DDR3. The DDR4 key slot is in a new location, and the edge connection has a gently rounded “V” shape to aid insertion. Because not all needles are connected at the same moment during module placement, this design reduces insertion force.

The lower power of ddr4 and the Ddr3

DDR4 modules have more available energy, running at only 1.2V as opposed to 1.5V or 1.35V for DDR3. The lower power usage saves a significant amount of energy and enables faster operation without the need for additional power and cooling.

Higher module density

DIMM densities range from 2 GB to 128 GB, representing a significant increase over DDR3’s 512 MB to 32 GB capabilities.

The price difference between Ddr3 vs ddr4

When DDR4 first hit the market, the price disparity was enormous. DDR4 RAM, on the other hand, has become more affordable as more motherboards and CPUs have been available. However, as compared to DDR3, DDR4 RAM is frequently more costly. It’s not a tremendous difference, particularly if you’re just purchasing a few modules. Therefore, if you want a significant quantity of RAM, the prices might soon pile up.

Increased data transfer speed

ATP’s newest DDR4 modules for integrated and industrial devices support data transfers at speeds of up to 3200 MT/s. DDR4-3200, ATP’s new industry DDR4 product, transports data around 70% quicker than DDR3-1866, including some of the fastest DDR3 models available, providing a significant increase in potential peak performance.

Item DDR3-1866 DDR4-3200
I/O bus clock 933 MHz 1600 MHz
Data rate 1866 MT/s 3200 MT/s
Peak transfer rate 14928 MB/s 25600 MB/s


Compare pros and cons

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”DDR3″ cons_title=”DDR4″ ][i2pros]Pros:
DDR3 transports data at a faster pace, up to 6400MBps.
It allows for greater bandwidth or peak data rates.
DDR3 has a lower power usage.
When compared to DDR2, DDR3 has lower latency.
Tried to revive old pc, got bricked instead
DDR4 has a better module density and consumes less power.
The DDR4 memory is ideal for high-speed gaming.
DDR4 provides more DIMM capacities.
When compared to previous versions, the data rate transmission is quicker.
DDR4 can transport data at greater rates while operating at very low power and without the need for cooling.
DDR4 has the lowest latency of any DDR variant.
Because DDR4 only updates its material via self-refresh, it consumes less power.

Is DDR4 faster than DDR3 RAM? Or how much better is ddr4 than ddr3?

DDR4 can sometimes run far quicker than even the most powerful DDR3, yet there seems to be some overlap. DDR4 has a greater transfer rate of one million transfers per second. When choosing RAM, MTps it’s not the only characteristic to consider. Timings, such as Column Access Strobe latency (CL), also have an impact on total memory capacity. CL specifies how many clock cycles it requires RAM to provide the information required by the CPU.

To put it another way, greater clock rates do not always imply quicker RAM. High latency might distort the findings significantly, therefore it’s important to compare all of the characteristics to discover the best type of RAM for your needs. When comparing Corsair’s Vengeance DDR3 kits to their Vengeance LPX DDR4 kits, there is a huge distinction and speed.

While interpreting capabilities on their DDR4 kits are somewhat slower than DDR3 at 2,133MHz, it’s crucial to note that this has been the entrance speed for DDR4. In terms of latency, DDR3-1600 has a larger delay than any DDR4 kit. The DDR4 kit is marginally faster than the DDR3-2133 kit at 2,133MHz, however, as the memory clock frequency increases, the total latency lowers, even though the timings are tighter. Finally, DDR4 RAM is quicker than DDR3 RAM. Besides its entrance 1,600MHz speed, it also provides higher performance at a cheaper cost-per-dollar than any other DDR3 RAM.

High-Frequency DDR4 RAM

High-frequency DDR4 RAM, such as the Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB, may achieve speeds over 4,000MHz. Gamers who wish to stretch their devices to their limits can overclock their RAM for high-performance systems. Manufacturers such as HyperX, on the other hand, have expanded the limits even farther with their HyperX Predator DDR4 RAM family, which would be offered at speeds ranging from 2,666 MHz to 5,333 MHz. Through, they set a global overclocking standard of 7,200MHz using HyperX Predator DDR4 RAM in April.

Why DDR3 and DDR4 don’t work together

The placement of the actual pins is among the primary distinctions between Ddr3 vs ddr4 RAM. DDR3 RAM is connected with a 240-pin connection, whereas DDR4 RAM is connected via a 288-pin connector. A DDR4-compatible motherboard will not operate with DDR3 RAM and vice versa. The connecting pins are distinct so that you do not inadvertently install the incorrect type of RAM. Because of the various voltage needs, a system created with DDR4 in the account would not offer the right voltage for DDR3 by default, but might not be constructed with those voltage capabilities in mind.

Frequently asked questions

What is RAM?

RAM is computer memory that can be viewed and modified at any moment. Whenever the power source to the PC or laptop is turned off, the information saved in this type of Storage is gone. It is referred to as the computer systems’ primary Memory, transient Memory, cache Memory, or volatility Memory. RAM is an abbreviation for Random Access Memory.

Can I use DDR3 instead of DDR4?

DDR3 cannot be used in a DDR4 slot on a motherboard having DDR4 slots, and DDR4 cannot be used in a DDR3 slot. DDR4 has lower power than DDR3. DDR4 typically operates at 1.2 volts, compared to 1.5 volts for DDR3.

What is DDR3?

DDR3 is a form of 3rd generation SDRAM that is often used for system memory. This sort of RAM can transport data from one spot to others at a faster rate. DDR3 RAM stands for Double Data Rate.

Is DDR3 RAM OK for gaming?

For the ordinary gamer, the difference between DDR3 and DDR4 RAM is more than simply performance. The upgrading from DDR3 to DDR4 is more advantageous in terms of eliminating the unnecessary stress and concern that comes with gaming on outdated gear.

Is it worth upgrading from DDR3 to DDR4?

Most probably, your motherboard doesn’t enable both, because DDR3 and DDR4 have distinct sockets, and thus the pins and ‘gap’ are in various spots. If you change your RAM to DDR4, you’ll almost certainly need to change your motherboard as well.

What is DDR4?

The DDR4 RAM is the most recent RAM variety, and it is widely employed in the next generation of computers. A DDR4 can provide maximum efficiency and performance because of its lower voltage and greater transfer rates. DDR4 SDRAM is an abbreviation for Double Data Rate Fourth Generation Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory.

Is DDR3 RAM still good 2019?

Yes, even if your gear is outdated, you may still update the DDR3 RAM to achieve the best results. In practice, DDR4 provides minimal performance benefits.

Is DDR3 still good in 2021?

Thus according to DigiTimes, DDR3 is predicted to increase in value by 40-50 percent by 2021. DDR3 retains a reasonable level of recognition due to a large number of systems still being used that are only suitable with the earlier memory technology.

Can a motherboard support both DDR3 and DDR4?

DDR4 can only be used in DDR4 suitable motherboards, whereas DDR3 can only be used in DDR3 compliant motherboards. The frequency is backward compatible; however, the motherboard must also be compatible.

Is 8GB DDR3 RAM good?

For the vast majority of consumers, 8GB of RAM is a perfect balance, offering adequate RAM for nearly all production activities and less challenging games. For most recreational use, 4GB is more than plenty, however, video of any kind is rather demanding.

Is 8GB RAM enough?

It is often seen in low-cost laptop computers. At reduced settings, this is adequate for windows System gaming, but it quickly runs out of steam. 16GB: Perfect for Windows and macOS computers, as well as gaming, particularly if the RAM is quick. 32GB: For pros, this is the sweet spot.

Can you use RAM from an old computer?

Most RAM taken from a PC or laptop may be reused in an older system. The program will then recommend which RAM packages to install. It’s suggested to perform it from both PCs and search for RAM module compatible overlap.

Can new motherboards use DDR3 RAM?

It is up to motherboards designers to decide the sort of slot to include on their boards. If you wish to use DDR3, you just require selecting a motherboard with DDR3 slots. DDR4 is used in the majority of models, so double-check.

What is the difference between ddr3 and ddr4?

DDR4 has a lower voltage than DDR3. DDR4 typically operates at 1.2 volts, compared to 1.5 volts for DDR3. Some other significant distinction between DDR3 and DDR4 is speed. DDR3 parameters start at 800 MT/s (or Millions of Transfers per Second) and go all the way up to DDR3-2133.

Winner product

Ddr3 vs ddr4, Because DDR4 is not backward compatible, most buyers will have a clear decision. You can only use DDR3 if your motherboard was intended for it. Even though you’re building a new PC, you’ll base your decision on the program’s other parts, such as the CPU and motherboard.

Among the most recent CPUs from Intel and AMD feature DDR4 SDRAM, while others are still intended for DDR3. DDR4 would’ve been a wonderful way to prospective a new PC, but DDR3 is likely to be popular for the next 3-5 years at the very least. Furthermore, future advances in DDR4 performance are unlikely to help current systems so because clock rates will not match.

Oculus Go vs Quest

Oculus Go vs Quest- Which One Is The Best Virtual Reality Headset?

Oculus is the market leader in virtual reality, offering a variety of devices as well as a wide range of specialized software. The VR Oculus Go vs Oculus Quest headsets is the most recent and enduring headsets. Both the Oculus Quest and Go Oculus headsets are providing hours of productivity and entertainment as needed. Oculus Quest is a wireless virtual reality headset that allows you to enjoy the complete VR experience without the need for a costly PC or laptop. Another wireless VR headset with limited VR features but a considerably lower price is the Oculus Go.

If you are seeking to go into virtual reality, you might be torn between the Oculus Quest and the Oculus Go. This article will provide you with comprehensive information and assist you in determining which VR headset is ideal for you.

Oculus Quest vs Oculus Go VR Headset- A comparison Chart

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Virtual Reality Headset, Oculus Go, And The Quest- Similarities

The Oculus Quest And The Oculus Go Have A Lot Of Similarities. We will Go Over A Few Of These In More Detail Below.

Library Of Both VR Headsets

The Oculus Go vs Quest both has accessibility to the fantastic Oculus Store, which has hundreds of virtual reality games and adventures, many of which are free. Everything that is accessible for the Go is also offered for the Oculus Quest.

Quality And Performance

In most ways, both demonstrate superb craftsmanship and high-quality components. The optics of both devices may be adjusted for a better virtual reality experience by using both hardware and software. The headsets themselves are well-made and robust.

Portability Of Both VR Headsets

Both VR headsets are portable because they are self-contained and do not require external PCs.

Managing Content For Mobile Apps

The Oculus Mobile app is used by both VR headsets to configure the hardware and control the content.  The Oculus Quest games take advantage of the Quest’s substantially increased capabilities and are more high-end.

Differences Between The Oculus VR Go And The Oculus VR Quest Headsets

Although Both Oculus VR Headsets Have Many Similar Features. They Are Also distinct In Some Aspects.

Degree Of Freedom Of Both Headsets

Oculus Go VR Headset

Oculus Go keeps its 3DOF gadget at beginner-level users.  The freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional (3D) space is measured in degrees of freedom (DOF). Yaw (normal axis), pitch (transverse axis), and roll are three perpendicular dimensions (longitudinal axis). Only rotating movement can be tracked with 3DoF.

Oculus Quest VR Headset

The Oculus Quest is a 6DOF headgear that is evident. You can monitor both location and rotation with DOF head tracking. 6DOF headsets permit you to move in every direction as if you were in real life, yet they require powerful tracking technology.

The Winner Product Is The Oculus Quest VR Headset

Tracking Differences Of Both VR Containing Oculus Headsets

Oculus Go VR Headset

You would not even notice if you move sideways, down or up, either forward or backward because the device cannot track your location. Its controller is equally limited, as it is a small handheld remote with only a few button inputs. The Oculus Go doesn’t have any cameras and can simply track your head motions and the position of one controller.

Oculus Quest VR Headset

The Oculus Quest headset features a series of cameras sprinkled around it that follow and imitate your hand or body movement in the virtual world. As a result, the Oculus Quest is totally wireless. It is also worth noting that how Magic Leap motion works, the Oculus Quest will eventually allow monitoring user’s hands without any need for controllers.

Oculus Quest VR Headset Is The Winning Product

Screen Display And Graphics Feature

Oculus Go VR Headset

The Oculus Go has an LCD panel with 1,280 x 1,440 pixels per eye (2560 x 1440 Panel at 60Hz) that provides good image quality resolution on its own. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 CPU powers the onboard graphics.

Oculus Quest VR Headset

The Oculus Quest’s OLED display has a resolution of 1440 x 1600 pixels per eye. The Quest’s OLED screen has a little greater resolution, resulting in a slightly crisper overall image. OLED screens can also display deeper blacks, richer contrast, and faster refresh rates, all of which are vital when gaming.

Oculus Quest VR Headset Is The Winning Product

Gaming And Watching Features Of Oculus Headsets

Oculus Go VR Headset

The Oculus Go is a simple plug-and-play device that you will probably only use for half-hour.

Oculus Quest VR Headset

The Oculus Quest is a VR game system that is developed and priced like the PS4 or Xbone.  It is primarily intended for gaming, and it does it admirably. For the Oculus Quest, there are a variety of VR games that enables you to fully interact with the world.

Oculus Quest VR Headset Is The Winning Product

Price And Value

Oculus Go VR Headset

The Oculus Go comes in two sizes: 32 GB and 64 GB, with MSRPs of $199 and $249, respectively. The Oculus Go is less expensive and serves as a stepping stone into the VR environment. It’s a family device that everybody can enjoy because it can play 360 videos and some fantastic games.

Oculus Quest VR Headset

In comparison to the Oculus Go, the Oculus Quest is a superior piece of hardware with improved capabilities, resolution, and experience. However, the price tags for each headgear represent those variances as well. The Oculus Quest costs almost twice as much, with a 64 GB variant costing $399 and a 128 GB model costing $499.

Oculus Go VR Headset Is The Winning Product

[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Oculus Go VR headset” cons_title=”Oculus Quest VR headset” ][i2pros]Pros
Simple and comfortable setup
Large VR apps containing library
Oculus Go’s skull-bounced 3D sound modelling is very fascinating
The VR headset does not require any phone or computer
Low cost
Provide an excellent quality for imaging
Micro USB charging takes 3 hours to complete charge

Comfortable wireless design
Quick to deploy and superb gamepads
Entirely self VR experienced headset
Pass through cameras to permit easy configuration of the play area
Check your surrounds without putting off the headset

• Initial setup necessitates the use of a smartphone

What To Look For Before Buying An Oculus Virtual Reality Headsets?

Keep The Following Elements In Mind When Looking For A Decent Oculus Headset To Match Your Demands.

Types Of Content

Games, films, tours, live events, training tutorials, seminars, and interactive narratives are just a few of the types of VR content currently available. Are you primarily interested in engaging in some serious virtual reality gaming? Before investing in a more powerful system, try out a VR headset.

Important Performing Features

Because tethered headsets have more power than untethered headsets, they must perform better. Start your inquire in the tethered systems section is a solid idea if you are looking for a headset with a high resolution and refresh rate. However, there are exceptions when it comes to performance, especially when looking at individual specifications.

Playing Area Of VR Headset

One of the paradoxes of virtual reality is that, while it offers a portal to a world of limitless possibilities and far-reaching horizons, accessing those worlds and horizons is mainly determined by the size of your modest studio apartment.

Controllers Of Virtual Reality Headset

A virtual reality experience can be considerably enhanced by being able to use good controllers. High-end 6DoF controllers contain a track-pad, trigger, and buttons for better in-game control and can be tracked by the headset or its sensors. Simple 3DoF pointer controllers should suffice for recreational gaming and VR watching. Some headset manufacturers create their own virtual reality controllers, while others allow users to connect third-party VR controllers.

Comfortable Headset

Another key element to consider is headset comfort. Even if a headset provides the highest immersion, if it is bulky, scratchy, imbalanced, or simply uncomfortable to wear, it might detract from the VR experience. Virtual reality headsets should be comfortable enough to wear for at least two hours.

Weight And Fit

Manufacturers of virtual reality headsets make every effort to balance their designs so that less weight is placed on the user’s face. Even with balance, though, a lightweight headset is recommended. Users utilizing smartphone VR must consider the added weight of their phone once inside the headset.

Cushion Materials

Virtual reality headsets are almost always equipped with specific cushions to make them more pleasant to use. Obviously, the cushion comes into direct contact with the user’s skin and sweat. Those with sensitive skin should first check to see if the material is suitable for them. It is also advantageous to be able to remove the cushion and clean it on a regular basis.

Oculus Go vs Quest- Which One is the Best Virtual Reality Headset?

The Overall Winner Product Is The Oculus Quest VR Headset

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Oculus Go require a PC?

A: Oculus Go eliminates all of these needs. There is no need for a computer. You also don’t need to connect your phone, though you will need an iPhone or Android phone to set up the Oculus app. You will also require Wi-Fi access.

Q: Is Oculus Go a good investment?

A: The Oculus Go is still a fantastic entry-level VR headset with a terrific screen and plenty of content to keep you entertained. There are more advanced headsets available, but they will cost substantially more. The most approachable VR headset to date. A fantastic display and months’ worth of free content

Q: Can Oculus Quest be used in conjunction with Oculus Go?

A: According to John Cormack, the new Oculus Quest model is incompatible with Oculus Go games. Oculus Quest 2 owners looking to play Oculus Go games with their new headset will be disappointed.

Q: Can I use Oculus Quest to watch 3D movies?

A: Customers may rent and buy digital movies on the platform, then watch them on a number of devices, including the Oculus Quest and Quest 2. This is especially good news for 3D movie fans who own a headset.

Q: Can I use the Oculus to participate in VR chat?

A: I just wanted to provide some instructions for utilizing ALVR to play VR chat with the Oculus Go. It’s actually extremely effective.

Q: Do I need a controller to use my Oculus Go?

A: Facebook’s Oculus Go is one of the most accessible VR headsets on the market right now, as it doesn’t require a computer or a smartphone to use. As a result, users will be able to pick gaze-only VR apps without needing to utilize a controller.

Q: What exactly is the purpose of the Oculus Go?

A: The Oculus Go is a low-cost, comfortable standalone virtual reality headset that allows you to try out VR without committing to a large hardware investment.

Q: Is Oculus Go compatible with 4K?

A: Yes, both 4K and 3D 4K videos may be played with the Oculus Go.

Final Verdict- which Oculus VR headset is right for you?

The final outcome of your decision should be determined by a few factors, including your budget, use case, and level of device interaction. The Quest is first and mainly a gaming system, with a larger screen, enhanced tracking capabilities, and wireless setup making it the most accessible VR headset yet. In almost every way, the Quest is the more developed. Because it is a generation newer than the Oculus Go, it is more future-proof and has a longer lifespan to compensate for the increased price.

Oculus Go vs Quest

which Apple iPad model is the best choice for you?

Apple iPad Air 2 VS Apple iPad 7th Generation – Which Apple iPad Model Is The Best Choice For You?

Tablets may be the most adaptable technological device on the market. They are supposed to combine the best features of smartphones and laptops, with certain versions favoring one over the other. When searching for a tablet, it is crucial to think about which direction you are leaning. Are you looking for a tablet that can be used for reading and browsing the web, or a tablet that can be used as a secondary work device?

Apple’s iPad covers a wide range of your requirement. Some types, such as the iPad Air, are best suited to do the operations of a smartphone on a larger screen, while others, such as the iPad, are more powerful and can handle some of the functions of a laptop. In terms of features, the Apple iPad Air 2 and Apple iPad 7th generation are compared. This article will assist you in determining which solution is most appropriate for your requirements.

Apple iPad Air 2 VS Apple iPad 7th Generation – A Comparison Chart

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Differences Between The Apple iPad 7th Generation VS The Apple iPad Air 2

Although both Apple iPads have many features in common, they differ in significant ways.

Screen Size of both apple iPads

Apple iPad Air 2

The Apple Air 2 iPad is smack dab in the middle. The 9.7-inch retina display on the iPad Air 2 is nearly borderless.

7th generation Apple iPad

The first group includes the Apple iPad 7th generation. It is the greatest pick for anyone who merely wants a simple tablet for online browsing, reading, shopping, watching movies, and checking email, thanks to its large 10.2-inch Retina display, powerful processor, and affordable pricing.

The winner product is the Apple iPad 7th generation

The Processor in the iPad

Apple iPad Air 2

The iPad Air is powered by the same A14 Bionic chip as the current iPhone models.

Apple iPad 7th generation

The iPad is powered by Apple’s A12 Bionic chipset, which is also used in the iPhone XS series.

Apple iPad Air 2 is the winning product

Storage Option of both Apple iPads

Apple iPad Air 2

The iPad Air, on the other hand, is available in 64GB or 256GB capacities.

7th generation Apple iPad

Because it only comes in 32GB and 128GB capacities, the regular iPad is best suited for users who keep most of their work in the cloud.

Apple iPad 7th generation is the winning product

Resolution of the Back Camera

Apple iPad Air 2

The 12-megapixel camera of the Apple iPad Air 2 is higher resolution than the Apple iPad 7th generation.

Apple iPad 7th generation

The Apple iPad 7th generation has a lower-resolution selfie camera (8-megapixel) than the iPad Air, which could be important if you use your iPad for Face Time or Zoom calls frequently.

The winner product is the Apple iPad Air 2

Resolution of the front camera

Apple iPad Air 2

The Apple iPad Air 2 sports a 7-megapixel front-facing camera. The Apple iPad Air does a far better job of uniformly lighting the face and generally produces a cleaner, more colorful image.

Apple iPad 7th generation

The front camera of the iPad 7th generation is 1.2 megapixels. When compared to photos produced with the iPad Air’s front camera, photos were taken with the ordinary iPad look much noisy and washed out.

The winner product is the Apple iPad Air 2

Making Videos from both iPad models

Apple iPad Air 2

The more expensive iPad Air is your best option. The iPad Air has a 4K camera that can film at 24, 30, or 60 frames per second.

Apple iPad 7th generation

The iPad can only take video at a resolution of 1080p at 30 frames per second.

Apple iPad Air 2 is the winning product

Features of both Apple iPad models

Apple iPad Air 2

Consider the iPad Air 2 if you are prepared to pay a little more money and know you want features like a better display, a slimmer design, and a crisper face time camera for video conferencing. All of these features are slightly better on the iPad Air, but it costs nearly twice as much.

Apple iPad 7th generation

For the most part, the iPad 7th generation is the best option. It is powerful enough to handle most everyday computing chores and lasts a long time on a single charge.

The winner product is the Apple iPad Air 2

Charging of the Apple iPads

Apple iPad Air 2

If you have a number of other USB-C-powered gadgets, the iPad Air 2 is a more universal charging cable that may be more convenient for you.

Apple iPad 7th generation

The lightning connector is used to charge the basic iPad. If you have a lot of lightning cords laying around, you will love the fact that you can charge your iPad 7th generation with any of them.

Apple iPad Air 2 is the winning product


[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Apple iPad Air 2″ cons_title=”Apple iPad 7th generation” ][i2pros]Pros:
Anti-reflection screen coating
Fantastic touch ID display
Quick processor
Aesthetically pleasing, slender aluminum design
This is a minor update from the iPad Air
Pencil and Keyboard support
Larger 10.2in display
Economical Apple iPad 7th generations
Vital iPadOS
The display is not protect by a lamination


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the iPad Air suitable for taking notes?

A: You can take notes on any of the current iPads that support the Apple Pencil. The high-end iPad Pro is not required. Notes can be taken on the lower-end iPad Air 3 or the regular iPad 2018 (which costs half as much). iPad covers with decent keyboards are also available.

Q: Is there an iPad that is identical to the iPad Air 2?

A: Apple has updated its iPad portfolio, removing the 9.7-inch iPad Air 2 in favor of a device simply known as the iPad.

Q: Is the Apple Pencil compatible with the iPad Air 2?

A: No, the Apple Pencil is not compatible with the iPad Air 2. Only the iPad Pro models and the current entry-level (2018) iPad with the A10 CPU support the pencil. It is not a software issue that the Apple Pencil won’t operate with earlier iPads; it’s a hardware one.

Q: Is the iPad 2 still a good device?

A: The second-generation iPad, which was released by Steve Jobs in March 2011, has been declared obsolete around the world. The redesigned design of the second-generation iPad was 33 percent slimmer than the original iPad.

Q: On the iPad, what does “Air” mean?

A: Apple iPad Air is an iOS tablet that is smaller and lighter than prior Apple tablets. The iPad Air is equipped with a 64-bit Apple A7 CPU and 1 GB of RAM and runs the iOS 7 operating system.

Q: Is the Apple pencil compatible with the iPad 7th generation?

A: Several older iPad models, including the iPad (6th, 7th, and 8th generations), iPad mini (5th generation), iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (1st and 2nd generations), iPad Pro 10.5-inch, and iPad Pro 9.7-inch, are compatible with the first-generation Apple Pencil.

Q: How long will a 7th generation iPad last?

A: Apple will support the iPad 7th generation for at least six years.

Q: Does the iPad Air 2 continue to be supported?

A: The iPad Air 2 now has iOS/ iPadOS 14 support, making it the longest-supported iOS/ iPadOS device to date.

Q: How long do you think the iPad Air 2 will last?

A: The iPad Air 2 lasts the promised 10 hours in everyday use. Two hours of gaming, three hours of Wi-Fi video streaming, and five hours of Wi-Fi web surfing were provided, with some standby time in between. We found that setting the screen brightness to roughly 60% was appropriate both indoors and out.

Q: Will the iPad Air 2 continue to receive updates?

A: Only iOS 12.4 can be installed on a first-generation iPad Air. 9. Apple stopped providing significant upgrades for the iPad mini2 in September 2019, but security “point” updates have persisted since then, with the most recent one being delivered just a few days ago.

Q: Is the iPad 2 still functional?

A: The second-generation iPad, which was unveiled by Steve Jobs in March 2011, has been declared obsolete around the world. The redesigned design of the second-generation iPad was 33 percent slimmer than the original iPad.


What To Look For Before Buying Apple iPad Models?

These guidelines will really be helpful for you when considering purchasing any tablet currently on the market.

Requirement for Apple iPads

When consider purchasing an Apple iPad, assess your demands and whether or not you truly require one. The Apple iPad, as defined by the late Steve Jobs, is a hybrid of computers and cellphones that can deliver a better email and online browsing experience than smartphones. This definition applies to all I pads, and you should consider whether your demands can be met only through an iPad if you already have a desktop PC, laptop, or smartphone.

Examination for any signs of water damage

All iPads have Liquid Contact Indicators, which turn on when they come into contact with a liquid that contains water. The location of these indications may be seen on the Apple website. While you’re at it, double-check that the IMEI number on the case corresponds to the IMEI in the program.

Dimensions of the battery

With the iPad battery, you can get roughly 10 hours of conversation time on 3G. However, it does not last indefinitely. The battery capacity is reduced once the recharge limit is approached.

iPad storage capacity

When it comes to iPad storage, you have options ranging from 32GB on the cheapest 9.7-inch iPad to 1TB on the most expensive iPad Pro. Space problems are becoming less and less of an issue as storage capacity grows.

iCloud storage by Apple

Apple’s iCloud offers unlimited free storage for all of your iTunes purchases. This applies to iBooks, iTunes music, movies, and TV shows, as well as App Store apps. Aside from that, Apple provides 5GB of free storage for backups, data, iCloud Photo Library, iCloud Music Library, and iCloud. Drive to all customers. If you need more iCloud storage, you may buy it for $0.99 for 50GB up to $9.99 for 2TB.

The Powerhouse

If you are in the market for a new iPad and want to use it for “serious work” (TM) (C) (R), if you are a professional photographer, videographer, audio producer, or engineer, designer or musician, if time is money and power is valuable, then the iPad Pro is for you.


Apple iPads are available in a variety of price ranges, and depending on your budget, your options may be limited or endless. There are several models available that cater to all budgets, whether you are on a limited budget or have a lot of money to spend. In most circumstances, your tablet options will determine by your budget.

Final Verdict- Which Apple IPad Models- IPad Air 2 VS IPad 7th Generation Is Right For You?

Despite the fact that both the Apple iPad 7th generation and the Apple iPad Air 2 are suitable for their respective duties. The battery life on both iPads is comparable. Each iPad has a 12-hour battery life that may use for streaming video, reading email, playing mobile games, and other comparable functions.

However, if one had to question which product is the greatest out of the two, the Apple iPad Air 2 wins out over the Apple iPad 7th generation due to its more advanced and unique features.

The overall winner product is the Apple iPad Air 2

Final verdict- iPad Air 2 vs iPad 7th generation

Which one is the best gaming monitor?

Which One Is The Best Gaming Monitor? ViewSonic xg2401 vs Asus vg248qe

During our research, about the gaming monitors the best b/w Viewsonic xg2401 vs Asus vg248qe we found a lot of aspects to elaborate you. In view of the fact that ViewSonic and Asus are always in rivalry, so what should you choose? You don’t have to worry read below:

Comparison Table: Viewsonic XG2401 vs Asus VG248QE

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Similarities: ViewSonic xg2401 vs Asus vg248qe

As you can see in the comparison table both monitor Asus and Viewsonic have almost the identical features except someone. Here you can clearly ascertain step by step all features that will give you an insight into the pluses of these monitors.

How’s the resolution:

How’s the resolution:

The resolution of both Viewsonic xg2401 and Asus vg248qe offers you 1920 vertical & 1080 horizontal high pixel density.1080 p resolution will give you crisper and detailed images and pixels will be harder even you won’t be able to see with naked eyes. Due to high resolution and graphic abilities we can call these full HD monitors.

Display Type:

Both of these monitors have LED displays which will increase the color contrast and improve the ranges. LEDs will reduce energy and give you more power to enjoy the game on the peek with a more genuine experience. It also provides you with eye care by reducing your eye fatigue and headaches. Both monitors ViewSonic & Asus have these efficient features.

Refresh rate:

The ViewSonic xg2401 and the Asus 248qe both have a refresh rate of 144 will deliver you smooth visuals and movements while you watch and play high-action scenes. Refresh rate is an excellent feature of a gaming monitor because it keeps your game up to date with the most recent changes.

Fast response time:

The response time is very important for a gamer, here both monitors Viewsonic or asuss have ultra-fast response times is 1ms which is fantastic. With this response time, your monitor will reply quickly and constantly and it will also influence your gameplay. Monitors which have a 1ms response time are called competitive gaming monitors.

 Advanced scanning:

This type of scanning displays the pixels in order at the same time, while intertwined scanning display half the image at a time. So, ViewSonic xg4201 and Asus 248qe have progressive scanning which can reduce trembling and screen enables smooth graphics and processes faster.

Compatibility ports:

The Xg ViewSonic and Asus both have ports to connect with HDMI, dual-link DVI-D, display ports, and USB connections. You can allow the audio and visual devices to connect with HDMI. For enhancing the resolution displays you can connect with dual-link DVI-D for high support. Both monitors have analog audio in 3.5mm that is utilized to connect witmonitorseadphone port. That’s all ports will upturn your gaming experience.

Angles for viewing:

Both monitors have accessible features to make comfort your gaming atmosphere. With a cable loop and headphones, you can focus on winning your game, cables will not become a hurdle in your way. Both have 170 degrees horizontal and 160-degree vertical viewing angles. You can also fix pivot, tilt, and swivel to adjust the height of the display that comforts you.


Differences: Viewsonic xg2401 vs Asus vg248qe

Wanna talk about these facts which make one of both a winner? So, put your attention & carefully read these aspects. Don’t be panic, don’t rush, we don’t put the burden on you to decide we’ve already selected the winner after deep testing.

Coming into view:

Coming into view:

Let’s come into view of fascinating monitors, as you can see in the comparison table image there is no prominent difference in their appearance. Both two look the same in color and dimensions but their weight is different from each other.

Viewsonic xg2401:

As you can see ViewSonic is made out of plastic which color is black. It comprises a stand that consents it to be easily adjusted and has a 24-inch screen and its dimension is 11.77 x 20.9, but its weight is 232.1oz. Due to its thickness, it can be mounted on the wall.

Asus vg248qe:

This monitor also has good quality and looks nice. Both, monitors Asus & xg2401 have the same dimensions and color, but their weight is 194 oz which is lighter as compared to the Viewsonic monitor.

According to minor differences, our winner product is Asus vg248qe.

Tools added in it:

Both monitors have some special features in them that will allow you to exercise and boost your gaming skills. Here we will elaborate on all those tools,

Viewsonic xg2401:

Viewsonic has some distinctive features like black stabilization that will work to enhance the brightness of pictures and greater visibility. This monitor consists of AMD-free sync that creates the frame rate productivity between graphic cards and monitors also has VESA adaptive sync which would make visible the darkest scene of the game.

Asus vg248qe:

The Asus 248qe has a fantastic feature GamePlus hotkey feature which will help you to improve your gaming abilities. The Asus offers a supreme 3D gaming experience that’s will help to increase the screen brightness with light boost technology. Which causes to shutter the glasses on the backlighting to blink in sync which produces light. Some other tools are also available like in-built stereo speakers free AMD sync. Due to the 3D option, Asus is more valuable for gaming.

Our winner product is Asus vg248qe.


[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Viewsonic xg2401″ cons_title=”Asus vg248qe” ][i2pros]Pros:
Its have ultra-fast response time and an amazing refresh rate.
It will provide smooth gaming by AMD free- sync.
Viewsonic consists of an ergonomic stand and blue light that help you in marathon gaming.
It includes mobile viewing angles.
It’s heavier in weight.
Its price is also high as compared to Asus.
It doesn’t have a 3D port of the display.
It can be mounted on the wall.
An easy viewing experience with swivel pivot, tilt, and height adjustments.
Asus has built-in 2W stereo speakers.
That comprises mobile viewing angles.
It contains the most efficient feature 3D gaming experience.
It’s light in weight and cheaper in price
There is no prominent con in it according to our analysis it’s the best gaming monitor.


FAQ’s (All You Want To Know About The Monitors):

Is Asus or ViewSonic better?

When a question comes about Asus & Viewsonic its answer may be crucial. Viewsonic may win by Asus but when we’re considering b/w these 2 models Asus vg248qe is better than compared to Viewsonic because Asus has a 3D gaming experience and some extra built-in features.

Is the Asus VG248QE VESA compatible?

The mount is capable of supporting up to 27″ inches monitors, so yes to both. Amazon shows the vg248qe as being VESA compatible.

How do I enable 144Hz on my Asus VG248QE?

Right-click and select Screen Resolution. Click Advanced Settings. That will bring up another window and there should be a tab labeled Monitor, select that tab. From there you should be able to select Screen Refresh Rate.

What panel is the Asus VG248QE?

The basic specifications reveal that this monitor uses a 144Hz TN panel from AUO with a WLED backlight 1920 x 1080 resolution and a specified 1ms grey to grey response time. It means feel secure to select it in all aspects.


Final Verdict

Which gaming monitor is best? This question is still stuck in your mind but now it’s time to clear it out. Both monitor ViewSonic vs Asus has extraordinary features but the 3D resolution in Asus vg248qe makes it more valuable. So, we will recommend you Asus vg248qe which is our winning product.

The final verdict:

Asus vg248qe Price

GoPro Hero 9 vs Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

GoPro Hero 9 vs Olympus Tough TG-Tracker: Which Digital Camera Is Better?

Do you want to capture every moment of your next daring exploits? The best action cameras are the actual game-changer when it comes to capturing videos and stills. No other camera can beat them in quality. Here we select two top and best action cameras the GoPro Hero 9 and Olympus tough TG-tracker for comparison. The Olympus TG-tracker is older than the GoPro camera. We explore is their age difference makes a noticeable difference, and which one is better for you?

Let’s quickly look at the side-by-side feature of GoPro Hero9 and TG-tracker in the table before getting into their detailed comparison!

GoPro Hero 9 vs Olympus Tough TG-Tracker: Side By Side Comparison Chart

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GoPro Hero 9 vs Olympus Tough TG-Tracker – Similarities

The action camera is essential for shooting your adventures. Otherwise, how does everyone know what you have been up to? In the recent era, ac

modern features that make capturing a simple and enjoyable experience.

tion cameras are gaining popularity and emergence not only among travelers but in sports sectors, adventurers, filmmakers, and photographers. Early models have quite limited features but now the action cameras have innovative design and modern features that make capturing a simple and enjoyable experience.

GoPro Hero 9 vs Olympus Tough TG-Tracker - Similarities

Unquestionably, GoPro and Olympus are two leading brands in the action cam marketplace. Both the Hero 9 from GoPro and TG-tracker from Olympus are some of the best and top models available today. Let’s look at the things these action cameras offer in common!

Both Cameras Are Easy To Use And Durable

The GoPro Hero9 and the Olympus Tough TG-Tracker are intelligently designed and toughened action cameras. They are dust, impact, and water-proof so can survive harsh environments and weather conditions. Besides, they are easy to use and carry.

Both are compact and lightweight and can carry along everywhere and all time. You can catch the moments effortlessly in the ocean, through the air, on the ground, and even tunneling underground with any of these cameras. Besides, both provide a user-friendly shooting experience.

Image Stabilization Of Hero9 And TG-Tracker

It is one of the headline features of both action cameras that helps you to create stable and professional photos and footage. Image stabilization minimizes vibration and jarring and captures sharp and high-quality videos even when you’re moving, or your cam is moving (adventures are rarely still).

Do They Have App Compatibility?

Almost every smart device has a mobile companion app in this age of smartphones. Fortunately, the Hero9 and the TG-tracker also offer app compatibility to remotely access and capture your videos and still images. You can use Olympus Image Track (OI. Track) mobile app to sync your smartphone with the Olympus action camera. Similarly, the GoPro app connects your smartphone with the GoPro action camera.

Differences Between GoPro Hero 9 And Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

Now, we look at the subtle difference lie between GoPro Hero9 and Olympus TG-Tracker. Once, you understand their differences and distinct features, you can choose the right action camera that suits you best and proceed to a wise purchase. So, let’s get into their differences without any ado!

GoPro vs Olympus TG- Design & Display

GoPro vs Olympus TG- Design & Display

GoPro HERO 9 Black

The GoPro Hero9 has an innovative and new design. It comes with some striking additions including a 1.4-inch front display. Besides, it also features a large 2.27-inch, rare touchscreen display with an improved interface and buttons. So, you can even record your videos, take selfies, and live stream using the front-facing display. It appeals to selfie artists and bloggers.

Furthermore, its foldable fingers allow you to attach the cam to different mounts and accessories effortlessly. Besides, you can access the battery, USB-C port, HDMI port, and card slot by opening the side door. The Hero9 has plastic-free packaging and a removable lens cover (another great improvement). Although it is a bit heavier than the TG tracker, its travel case makes it a practical option.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

In contrast, the Olympus TG-Tracker comes with a more compact design and resembles a mini camcorder. Besides, its ruggedized casing makes it super solid. It can withstand a 7-feet fall, 14°F low temperature, and up to 220lb. force. Besides, the Tough cam comes with an underwater lens protector.

Moreover, It comes with easy-to-use control buttons and a 1.5-inch flip-out display. So, you can look at what is being recorded. A small LED video light directly above the lens is one of the great additions. So, you can capture clear videos and images even at night and in low light. Additionally, you can access the batter, ports, and Micro SD card slot by opening the tow-stage locking door located on its back.

The Winner Is: GoPro Hero9 Waterproof Action Camera

Which Camera Provide Better Video Performance?

GoPro HERO 9 Black

The Hero 9 action cam is known for its higher-resolution video quality. It comes with a 23.6 megapixels sensor that can shoot video clips up to 5K @30fps. Besides, it allows you to capture 4K footage @60fps, Ultra-HD, and HD clips. It has a new Max Lens Mode that enables 155° FOV (field of view).

Additionally, the HyperSmooth 3.0 video stabilization, 360° camera style, and auto horizon leveling allow you to take high-end, wider, stabilized, and smoother video. It further comes with various presets including action, standard, and 8x Slo-Mo. Besides, it also features an HDR mode. Overall, no other camera gives you such high quality as you get with a GoPro camera.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

Although the tough TG-Tracker doesn’t support the 5K video format, its video quality is still excellent and top of the line. It has an 8Mp sensor that can capture 4K videos at 30fps. Besides, It supports 1080p full HD, 720p HD, and lower video formats. Additionally, it has an ultra-wide lens with 204° FOV to take clear and crisp video in any environment. So, you can capture a broad swath of landscapes without compromising on video quality. All in all, you get amazing results with this tracker camera.

The Winner Is: GoPro Hero9 Waterproof Action Camera

Image Quality of Both Cameras

The GoPro cameras are mainly popular for video shooting

GoPro HERO 9 Black

The GoPro cameras are mainly popular for video shooting. However, you get amazing still image results with the hero9 action camera. It supports HDR and RAW photos. So, you can capture pro-quality pictures with it. The SuperPhoto mode allows you to take 20Mp still photos. Additionally, the GoPro hero 9 offers linear, wide, and fixed narrow modes with a shutter delay option.

Moreover, the LiveBrust (motion images), Brust (25 pictures per second), and nigh photo mode give you a chance to try your photographic skills. Above all, its save frame features playback your desired video on the app ad save a 14.7MP photo on your phone with a single click.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

Action cameras are roundly overlooked when it comes to photographic gadgets. However, this is not the case with these both the GoPro hero9 and Olympus TG-tracker. This action camera also provides you with excellent image quality. But it can take only 8MP still photos that are relatively low-quality than the counterpart.

The Winner Is: GoPro Hero9 Waterproof Action Camera

How Far They Can Go Underwater?

They Can Go Underwater

GoPro HERO 9 Black

We know that both action cameras are waterproof. But to how far? This distance defines the limit up to which you can shoot underwater without any sort of protective case or housing. The GoPro can go down underwater (waterproof) up to 33 feet/ 10m only. This is not as amazing as it should be. However, you can purchase protective housing to shoot underwater down up to 196 feet.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

The Olympus Though TG-Tracker camera outshines in this category as it is waterproof to down 100 feet or 30m without protective casing. This means it has 3 times better water-resistant than the GoPro action camera. Thus, it is an excellent choice for scuba divers and for those who want to capture every activity of their underwater adventure.

The Winner Is: GoPro Olympus TG-Tracker Waterproof Action Camera

Which Action Camera Offers More Useful Features?

Action Camera Offers More Useful Features

GoPro HERO 9 Black

The Hero 9 waterproof action camera offers a bulk of handy features. We highlight some of them in the above headings. The rest are here. TimeWrap 3.0 is its latest feature that blends time-lapse and GoPro’s motion stabilization for the best smoother results. It also improves the speed ramp. Hindsight is another great feature that captures and saves up to 30s video before you hit the shutter button (don’t miss the shot on starting late).

Moreover, you can set up automatic recording using Schedule Capture and specify the video’s length using its Duration Capture Modes. Besides, you can use it as a webcam and stream in 1080p and 720p. This versatile camera also allows you for live streaming on your social accounts like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook in HyperSmooth enabled Ultra-HD resolution. Thus, you get a complete package and all bells and whistles with this top-notch GoPro action camera.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

Although the Hero9 has a bulk of features, the Olympus Tracker offers plenty of useful features. It comes with a healthy dose of competitive tech features and action track sensors that automatically record data to complement your clips and take them beyond the standard video capabilities.

The motion sensors include GPS, e-Compass, accelerometer, temperature sensor, and barometric pressure sensor. Besides, the Data Log Mode activates these sensors for an extended period. Overall, you get quite reasonable features with this long-standing camera.

The Winner Is: GoPro Hero9 Waterproof Action Camera

Are They Have Long Battery Life?

GoPro HERO 9 Black

The GoPro hero9 comes with better battery life. Its battery is rated to last 30% longer than the previous models of GoPro. It roughly lasts for 1.5 to 2 hours in ideal conditions. In practice, it can shoot videos for more than an hour whether you use time-lapse or standard modes.

Olympus Tough TG-Tracker

On the other hand, the TG Tracker also has a quite long battery life. In ideal situations it battery can last for 1 hour and 38 minutes on a full charge. However, you practically shoot 4K videos for a little more than an hour. Then, the camera triggers a low-battery warning and shoot for roughly 7-10 minutes before shutting off. Although its battery life is great, the activity sensors drain out the battery more quickly.

The Winner Is: GoPro Hero9 Waterproof Action Camera

[i2pc show_title=”true” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”GoPro Hero 9 Black” cons_title=”Olympus Tough TG-Tracker” ][i2pros]Pros:
Large rear touch screen and all-new front color display (Dual-screen).
Intuitive user interface.
5K detailed videos and 20MP photos.
30% Improved battery life.
Removable lens and excellent video stabilization.
Innovative and handy shooting features/modes.
Rugged and waterproof.
Stable connection to your smartphone.
Relatively heavier.[/i2pros][i2cons]Pros:
Flip-out LCD & case-free design.
4K high-quality video capturing.
Offer 3 times better water-resistant than GoPro.
Great image stabilization.
Built-in LED light to capture night vision.
GPS and four other motion sensors.
The display doesn’t rotate.
Software and app need improvements.
Fog builds up on the lens rarely. [/i2cons][/i2pc]

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the GoPro HERO9 black waterproof?

Yes! The GoPro Hero9 is rugged and waterproof out of the box. It can capture videos underwater down to 33 feet.

Does GoPro Hero 9 have night vision?

Yes! Almost all GoPro models (specifically the latest ones) can work well in low-light scenarios and capture exceptional night footage.

Can GoPros take pictures?

Yes! Typically, GoPro cameras are popular for video capturing. However, they can certainly shoot still images. This latest Hero9 action camera can shoot RAW as well.

Is the Olympus Tough a good action camera?

Yes! The Olympus tough waterproof and rugged camera has all bells and whistles that you may expect from a high-range action camera. You will never disappoint with its performance.

What’s the shutter speed on the Olympus TG-tracker?

The Olympus TG tracker can focus approximately 20cm close to the subject and its slowest shutter speed is 1/2 seconds and the maximum shutter speed is 1/24000 seconds.

Is the Olympus Tough TG tracker waterproof?

Yes, the TG-tracker is a waterproof camera and can survive and shoot in rigorous and harsh environments.

Final Verdict

To sum up, you can’t go wrong with any of these action cameras as both offer excellent quality and their distinct features. The tough tracker offers you plenty of features while the GoPro hero9 offers all bells and whistles in a bulk. Thus, it is totally up to you to decide which action camera perfectly matches your budget, expectations, and photography preferences.

In our opinion, the GoPro Hero 9 is the ultimate winner and will be your best bet as it is a hard-to-beat, powerful, and versatile action camera that is worth your extra bucks.